
3V1234.03 Reading: one word at a time (6/9/81) Peggy played with the computer — off and on — during most of the day. Mostly she was “on.” (She even left the supper table to play with her “world”) although she took a break now and again to have a snack or to join Robby and …

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3V1234.01 A New Way of Presenting Words (6/9/81) Peggy’s biggest problem in typing words [from a list] was recognizing which word she was copying to the keyboard. I began telling her to look at the first letter of the word and to remember what it was, emphasizing it that way and by identifying it by …

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3V1188.02 You can spell everything, not merely “French” (4/24/81) Peggy is apparently coming to realize that all words can be spelled (not merely “French”). The cause of this conjecture I can’t document, but she sat in my lap this afternoon and asked me to spell word after word…. words with no apparent connection, ending up …

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3V0805.01 Language as formulating experience (Eavesdropping) (4/6/80) Peggy wakes early. As I brought some morning coffee to Gretchen, I heard Peggy talking in the crib (through the wall) “Look at the spider, swinging…swinging…” Why is this significant ? Language as formulation of experience, expressing the flow of understanding without communicative intention; fluency as delineating the …

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3V0769.01 Miriam’s Pillow; idea: function words as pause fillers (3/1/80) Because in the worst periods of her allergies, Miriam slept better sitting up, we bought her a king sized pillow. It is longer than Peggy is tall and wider. Thus Peggy finds it perfect for falling on. Miriam tried to take it away while Peggy …

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3V0536.01 More words and situations: “Give this to dada” vs. “dada have that”; language role in microworld selection: role genetically prior to terminal specification though it recedes to discourse level feature (CENTRAL IDEA) (7/12/79) Miriam sat across the dining room table unable to bring me something I wanted (a magazine, perhaps). She directed Peggy, “Give …

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Vignette 84.1 of The Intimate Study source materials. Unpublished. Robert W. Lawler.


Vignette 8.4 of The Intimate Study source materials. Unpublished. Robert W. Lawler.


Vignette 7.1 of The Intimate Study source materials. Unpublished. Robert W. Lawler.


Vignette 3.2 of The Intimate Study source materials. Unpublished. Robert W. Lawler.