
3V0820.02 Past form (4/21/80) Peggy very clearly said, ” I wanted grape, like this.” When we discussed my earlier mistake in getting her milk instead of orange juice.


3V0820.01 Pronouns (4/21/80) “I spilled stuff in my dress. It’s juice.”


3V0819.01 Progressive Verbs (4/20/80) Peggy has used present participles as progressive verb forms in a descriptive mode (as on last page). In two incidents, the context makes clear her richer semantic framework served by those forms. Yesterday I sat on the front stoop. Peggy came up the path and before reaching the stairs said to …

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3V0811.04 Surprising syngnosticity (4/12/80) Peggy’s toy elephant she names “Arroot.” Miriam received as a birthday present a pig hand-puppet which Peggy very much admires. She asked the name and Miriam called it “Alfred,” since which Peggy has been chasing and pestering her for “My arroot.” The resolution a half hour later: Peggy came in the …

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3V0797.01 Expression of temporal order (3/29/80) At breakfast (possibly lunch) Peggy posed a specific but unsuccessful demand, “want juice for cup.” (this cup has a frog sitting on the bottom; it is revealed when the cup is half emptied.) I brought her the cup, but it contained milk requested earlier, “Drink the milk, Peggy.” She …

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3V0792.01 Context appropriate verbal accompaniment: remembered rhyme (3/24/80) Sitting with Peggy on my lap, I became aware that she was babbling to herself. As I listened, I realized she was reciting an appropriate jingle… something like “Go horsie… go town… take-a Peggy…all fall in.” Gretchen


3V0791.02 Book all words (3/21/80) Sometimes Peggy tries to claim one of my books that I am reading as hers. Then I tell her, no, it’s my book, and look, there are lots of words but no pictures. Today, Peggy picked up an adult book, leafed through it, and remarked, “Book all words.” Gretchen


3V0781.01 “Peggy Lawler” – what symbols mean to her (3/13/80) Ever since Miriam’s gift of the Grover Book (wherein she wrote PEGGY LAWLER on the inside cover to show ownership), Peggy has interpreted any group of letters as meaning “Peggy Lawler.” She distinguishes (more or less) between four things: letters, seen as individuals; pictures in …

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3V0780.03 Shoe Daddy off: clear example of non-standard syntax (3/12/80) Peggy said this as I removed my shoes. It is perfectly clear she was describing what I did and it is also clear what she meant, “Daddy is taking off his shoe.” the syntax appears quite non-standard.


3V0780.01 Conversation at dinner: multiple “thanks” (3/12/80) Peggy dropped her fork and Robby retrieved it. P: Robby get fork.” G: Yes, Robby got the fork for you. Peggy, you should say ‘thank you.’ P. Thank oo. R: You’re welcome. P. /dats./ [Thanks, idiosyncratic] R. You’re welcome. Gretchen.


3V0777.01 Analogies — their incomprehension; deep role in cognition. (3/9/80) Peggy woke me at midnight, she had a stuffy nose and was crying for her Mommy. we played in the sitting room, she in my lap. Pointing to a foxy, she said ‘Get foxy.’ I replied ‘Too far away.’ She continued ‘Like a fader.’ Surprised, …

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3V0774.01 Jokes as communication protocols (3/6/80) Miriam has been telling (surely in Peggy’s hearing) a knock-knock : M : Knock knock. V : Who’s there ? M : Tim. V : Tim who ? M : Tim – ber ! At supper this evening, Peggy said : P : knock knock. B : Who’s there …

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3V0769.03 Reading Hop on Pop (3/1/80) Peggy sat reading in the middle of the study floor. Was Gretchen sitting with her ? I can’t recall., but I know she was least in the room. Peggy turned the first page, pointed at the picture and said, “Up // Pup.” (This is the large letter text of …

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3V0749.01 Words and Numbers; primary roots of discrimination (2/10/80) Miriam and Peggy play with my yardstick a lot (a free one from a local hardware store, it has the measure and advertisements on it). Miriam marches around with it on her shoulder: “hup, two, three, four; hup…” Peggy marches too, “hup, two, three; hup, two, …

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3V0747.03 Number/temporal names (2/8/80) Miriam tells me she has asked Peggy the time and Peggy responded “eleven.” The answer was not correct but was significant as a number name. Peggy may have been imitating a specific response heard from some one else in response to the same question. Miriam asked again of Peggy, in my …

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3V0733.01 [chin hurts] Variation anchor, abetted by questioning. (1/25/80) Peggy somehow hurt herself, and when asked what was the matter, replied, ‘Chin hurts.’ A few days previously, as I was changing her diaper, I became aware that she was talking away. P : ‘…neck….hurt (or hurts, I could not notice)…’ G : ‘Your neck hurts, …

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