
Vignette 113.1 of The Intimate Study source materials. Unpublished. Robert W. Lawler.


Vignette 59.1 of The Intimate Study source materials. Unpublished. Robert W. Lawler.


3V0015.1 Sheldon Wagner proposes Meltzoff Experiment 2/6/78 Sheldon Wagner called with congratulations on Peggy’s birth today. During a long conversation, he asked if we would be willing to informally try an experiment on infant imitation which seriously refutes Piagetian theory (I found the reference in a back issue of Science: imitation of Facial and Manual …

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3V0001.01 Recollections of Peggy’s birth 1/23/78 After telling our landlord, as I returned from walking the dog Sunday night, that the baby was not expected for a week, I realized on coming inside that Gretchen was showing the classic signs of imminent labor. All day she suffered lower-back muscular pains, she frequently experienced shooting pains …

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Vignette 40.1 of The Intimate Study source materials. Unpublished. Robert W. Lawler.


Vignette 20.2 of The Intimate Study source materials. Unpublished. Robert W. Lawler.


Vignette 8.2 of The Intimate Study source materials. Unpublished. Robert W. Lawler.