
3V0731.01 At the Childrens’ Museum (1/23/89) Peggy and the rest of us came to Boston for her birthday. My reasons for proposing this trip were that I though she would enjoy the infant’s castle at the children’s museum, to introduce her to the Kuehnle’s, and to introduce her to Logo. We all went to the …

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3V0728.01 [Robby…lookit] vocative + verb example (plus others) (1/20/80) Another example of a vocative-verb to element structure. Peggy, just now, (1/29/80) came out with another, more directly comparable to ‘Mimi…did-it’), she carried a book to Robby and said ‘Robby, do-it.’


3V0720.02 [joke… knock-knock]: verbally formulated classification based on a single exemplar. 1/12/80) We all sat at table this evening. Either Gretchen and I teased and all of us laughed, Peggy too. I believe I asked her what she laughs about (the joke was one she could not comprehend). Peggy responded, “joke…” and then continued “knock-knock.” …

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3V0718.02 Tirades: reappearance as singing (cf. P103-105); talking to Scurry. (1/10/80) Failing earlier to capture Peggy’s tirades mechanically, I’ve been delighted to find this behavior re-emerge. The most striking example appeared as Peggy led Scurry around the house on the leash. She spent considerable time yammering at Scurry as she took her on this inside …

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3V0718.01 Who’s there ? (Original notes on homely binding and lonely discovery) (1/10/80) Peggy’s use of the knock-knock joke script has been monolithic — ie. she would not respond in the victim’s role, nor would she continue in any way no matter what response her victim made. This morning, when I brought some coffee to …

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3V0706.02 Puppy in Boston: default location of “gone” animate things (12/29/79) Over the past several weeks, Peggy has often given evidence of distinguishing between the sound of a bark and the word as the name of the sound. One of the puzzles Peggy received for Christmas was a five piece Puppy puzzle. Peggy came crawling …

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3V0704.01 Playing the piano. (12/27/79) Often since her early infancy, Peggy would come to me while I sat at the piano and ask to come up with me. It has been my practice to then play “chopsticks” with the middle range of the piano free for Peggy’s playing with me. I have shaped her playing …

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3V0703.01 [Mimi…mad…Mimi…fall down] Expressed speculation. (12/26/79) Miriam has been playing with her old set of infant size legos which we gave Peggy for a Christmas present. She has tried through much of the day to construct a mobile dog (dragon?) and failed with amazing consistency. Lately cries of “awg !!” have been coming down from …

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3V0701.01 [Mine…Peggy…Peggy’s…back]:clear use of a possessive, but one where syntactic structure is decidedly subordinate to the context; Peggy’s picture (12/24/79) I bought some Polaroid film the other day and today had taken a picture of Peggy sitting with me in my chair. I set it on the piano to develop completely. when her image appeared, …

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3V0689.02 Singing. Play [morny dew]; ride [boton…lynn] (12/12/79) About this time, Peggy began referring to “Morning Dew” to indicate she wanted to hear some Irish Music (One of our newest records is Makem and Clancey’s “Two for the Morning Dew” with two songs referring repeatedly to “early in the morning dew” and “two for the …

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3V0684.01 [Bye, Culdah] (12/7/79) Going out for a trip in the car, Peggy paused on the front porch to wave to Scurry, who was tied out on the other side of the drive, “Bye, Culdah.” Gretchen.


3V0683.02 Kicking and hurt feelings. (12/6/79 and earlier) Peggy’s control over her supports, her legs, has been of apparent and considerable interest to her, I recall her joy at being able to jump with both feet when first she could and, most recently (12/20 ff.), her tapping with one foot to music while standing [this …

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3V0647.01 Baby becomes a toddler on getting shoes. (10/27/79 & 11/1/79) Peggy just got her first pair of shoes (blue sneakers) and appears very pleased. I remarked to her that she is a big girl now and had her very own shoes, so she would not have to use other peoples’, and Peggy in reply …

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3V0644.01 [/pinsh/ (punches doll)…shame] (10/28/79) Peggy had her doll completely undressed. At one point, she punched it on the chest, remarking as she did [pinsh…s’em]. Gretchen.


3V0643.01 Verbal imitation + action:[Shame (on scurry; kicks her)] (10/27/79) Today Scurry committed some minor fault against Peggy (such as eating her cookie) and I scolded her. “Shame on you, Scurry,” Peggy repeated [s’em] then kicked the dog neatly under the chin (She was wearing shoes.) Gretchen.