
3V0832.01 Peggy’s Typer: (5/3/80) Peggy asked today (with no prompting at all) that I get out her “Typer.” This is merely a further indication of her letter-interest.


3V0831.01 Names as unique identifiers: Rob is a person; she is a toddler, not a person. (5/2/80) Peggy has two toys, a dog and a cat, which were once containers of bubble bath. The blue cat she refers to as “kitty.” The pink poodle she formerly referred to as a dog. Recently I told her …

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3V0830.01 Limit to script competence: ( fabricated date: 5/1/80) After Miriam’s “Timber” knock knock, Peggy began “knock-knock.” Miriam responded, “Who’s there?” Peggy appeared a little distressed for a moment, then responded, “Mimi said.” and smiled.


3V0829.01 Counting; conventional now to six (4/30/80) Robby and I discussed Peggy’s counting and he informs me she counts now beyond four, to six, quite conventionally. He has waked and heard her counting in her crib “one, two, three, four, five, six, nine, ten” This is further evidence of the influence of hide and seek.


3V0827.01 Reading: naming and describing (4/28/80) When Peggy reads pictures, she primarily identifies, i.e. names the characters. Thus in Richard Scary’s books, she might exclaim, “There’s lowly worm.” Encountering some rarer figure, she asks “Who’s that?” Beyond naming, Peggy has begun to go on to interpretation of the pictures, describing what the character is doing.