Peggy Study, Panel P103 Themes: Language Development, Object Exploration, Social Interaction Source: (Lawler); date: 1/14/1980 Title: Text commentary: These clips show ??; Why important ?? P103A1 Singing, 4mb P103A2 Reading to Camera Man, 21mb P103B1 Hop On Pop Words on Cards, 6mb P103B2 Hop On Pop Book, 29mb P103C1 Building Blocks, 24mb P103C2 Blocks: Arch …
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3V0724.01 [no…no…no] accompanies failure of trial fitting shapes into holes of box. (1/16/80) Playing with her shapes box, Peggy held a shape in her hand and matched it with the holes on one side of the box. ‘No…no…no.’ She turned to another side. ‘No…no…no.’ Then she turned to the correct hole and immediately fitted the …
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3V0723.01 [chlokat mook] spontaneous expression of desire. (1/15/80) Spontaneously, as we were heading home over Stepstone Hill, Peggy remarked [chlokat mook] “Chocolate milk.” Gretchen.