
P30B: Following Gaze or a Point 6mb

P30B Clip Notes

Notes:1:10 by Analyst, Take Two, 10/04/2024; Take One, 2/25/2014
Setting,Props Cedar Hall, Family Room: Peggy in her car seat, with plastic doll
Actors,Aims Peggy and Mom, Rob, Miriam; Bob on camera.
Notes:1:10 take 2 by Analyst, 10/04/2024
Take Two
Episode A:
Mom: Peggy. Peggy, look at Robby.
Mom: Peggy, look at Robby.
Peggy: [makes non-verbal noise, swings toy back and forth]
Robby: [as camera turns to him] She didn’t do it.
Bob: She didn’t look at you?
Robby: No, but I think she may have a crappy diaper
Bob: Oops. Well, maybe we better stop and check. [camera off]
Take Two
Episode B:
Bob: Go ahead.
Mom: Peggy. Look at Miriam, Peggy. [raising her arm, pointing to Miriam] Look at Miriam. [Peggy’s head obscured]
Bob: Could you do that again with your arm a little lower, Gretchen?
Mom: Look at Miriam.
Peggy: [on picking up her toy, she looks towards Miriam
Bob: Miriam, did she look at you?
Miriam: [nods her head affirmatively]
Bob: Did she look right in your eyes, [Miriam nods her head in affirmative] or what did she do? Can you describe what she did?
Miriam: No.
Bob: Okay, thank you.
Bob: I think this doesn’t make any sense at all, so we’ll stop it right here.
Pointing and attention; Following Gaze; Following Pointing
Link Index Panel P030, Object Knowledge, pre-Language Communication.
Post Example1, Development of the Pure Point
Panel LC3bV1, Ten “Pointing” Video Clips
Take One
Episode A:
Peggy: (sitting in her car seat and happily whining a bit Peggy, mouths her plastic doll.)
Mom: Peggy, Peggy, (slowly and deliberately turning her head in the direction of Robby) look at Robby..… (Looking again at Peggy Gretchen repeats the preceding) Peggy, look at Robby.
Peggy: (waving her plastic doll in her hand looking at it and making noises)
Bob: (turning the camera to Robby)
Rob: she didn’t do it.
Bob: she didn’t look at you?
Rob: no.
Bob: okay.
Rob: I think she may have a crappy diaper.
Bob: Ooops. (Returning camera to Peggy) maybe we better stop here and check that.
Episode B:
at 0:28
Mom: Peggy, look at Miriam (pointing in Miriam’s direction) look at Miriam, Peggy. (Gretchen’s arm is at a height that blocks any view of Peggy’s head.)
Peggy: (inarticulate exclamation)
Bob: could you do that again with your arm a little lower, Gretchen?
Mom: (extending her arm on the lower) look at Miriam.
Peggy: (apparently focused on Gretchen’s hand, ends uplooking in Miriam’s direction; Miriam makes faces at Peggy to attract her attention)
Bob: (with camera focused on Miriam) Miriam, did she look at you?
MRL: (nodding her head yes)
Bob: did she look right in your eyes?… Or what did she do? Can you describe what she did?
MRL: no.
Bob: okay. Thank you.
Mom: (moving Peggy down to floor)
Bob: I think this doesn’t make any sense at all. Let’s stop here. Ending at 1:10
Pointing and attention; Following Gaze; Following Pointing