
Peggy Study, Panel P140 Themes: Language Development, Object Exploration, Social Interactions Source: (Lawler); date: 9/28/1980 Title: Text commentary: some lost frames suggest recording head problems at tape start; stopped later. P140A Materials Choice, 7mb P140B1 Colored Blocks, 24mb P140B2 Colored Blocks, 25mb P140C1 Standard Objects, 15mb P140C2 Standard Objects, 15mb P140D Reading Book Words, 17mb …

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3V0984.01 Weak verb ending back formation: “leaved” (10/2/80) “I took it off and leaved it there.” Gretchen.


3V0981.02 Talking about places: complexity of Peggy’s interpretive situation (9/29/80) Miriam recorded this dialogue about Peggy’s new toy Bunny: Peggy: I got my Bunny at the book store. Miriam: No. You got it at the Hole in the Wall. Peggy: Where the book shop ? Miriam: Near the Hole in the Wall. Peggy: I thought …

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3V0981.01 Meta-linguistic knowledge: “I can’t read words” (9/29/80) Peggy clambered onto my bed where I lay reading — then got down to get a Tintin to read to me. She said, after propping it open and most unhappily, “I can’t read words.” I comforted her, “You have to learn how to do that sweety. It’s …

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