
P36C: Indicating Choice, 22mb

P36C Clip Notes

Notes:n:nn by Analyst, 10/15/24
Setting,Props Cedar Hall, Family Room: Stuffed Clown vs. Plastic Doll
Actors,Aims Peggy & Mom; Bob on camera.
Episode A: Mom: Peggy, {P: vocal sounds with fingers in her mouth} I have some things for you. Which one do you want? You want the clown? You want the rattle? . This one? [raising the objects as mentioned] {P: reaching for, taking the clown} You want the clown, huh?
Bob: Okay, you could tell she wanted the clown because she reached out to grab it. Now, she threw it away. Pick them up and try it again. Try both of them, and try not to let them close enough that she can reach them. Okay, undo her seat belt so she can lean forward. Of course, we won’t let her fall out of the seat.
Mom: No. Here, Peggy, which one do you want? Do you want the clown? Or do you want the rattle? {P: laugh-like noises} “uh-ha ha” Your self.[Enter Scotty, named “Scurry”]
Bob: Scurry, go to your place. [Exit Scurry] Sorry, Peg. I didn’t yell at you…
Episode B: Mom: You want the rattle? You want the clown? Which one do you want? [Many infant noises with Mom imitations] Ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha [ending in turn taking repetitions] {Bob: also interjects “ha”}
Peggy: [initiates two rounds of turn taking vocalizations “ah”, (a, /ae/) and “anh” (an, /aen/), involving Mom and Bob; Bob tries “Boo”] [Peggy does not imitate changes of pitch or syllable, but she laughs]
Mom: Well, her eyes are going from one to the other, and I think she’s looking at the clown.
Bob: Does she appear to have any sense at all that a good conventional way to indicate that she wants something is to reach out for it or to point to it?
Mom: No. I think if you are offering her something and you put it close, then she reaches to take, take it from you.
Episode C: Bob: Okay, put the rattle close to it. {P: takes it to her mouth} Okay, can you now take it away from her?
Mom: May I have a rattle pick? [retrieves the rattle]
Bob: Now offer the clown. {Mom does so; Peggy mouths it} Okay, now take that back and offer them both.
Mom: Can I have this back? [retrieves the rattle]
Bob: Which one do you want? {Bob: Put them both close, where she can reach them both} {Peggy chooses the clown} well, I guess that’s clear evidence that she has a differential preference for the clown. Well, [as Peggy ejects the clown] give her the other one, too. After all, she’s a good baby.
Mom: She actually brushed the rattle as she reached for the clown.
Episode D: Bob: Mm-hmm. What do you think, Peg? [Peggy ejects the rattle] Which one do you really like the more? [she ejects the clown also] Neither one. Did they go away, Peggy, or are they still there?
Mom: [making faces with Peggy]
Bob: I guess she wants to be picked up now.
Mom: I think she wants to get out of the seat.
Bob: Yeah. Okay. [stops camera for break]
Episode E: Mom: [Holding Peggy in her lap and between her arms, starts clapping]
Mom: What do you think of that? Can you make noise like that? [Amused, Peggy squirms; Mom restores position] Here, sit up. [clapping again, with Peggy hand on Mom left hand]
Bob: Who’s doing that?
Mom: She is. [Mom claps and stops; Peggy grabs Mom right thumb and uses it to clap hands again] What do you think of that, huh? [Peggy starts squirming again]
Bob: I think she’s probably had enough for a while. Let’s stop.
Mom: Yeah, I think so, too.
Bob: Thank you, Peggy. Peggy. Hi. Thank you.
Episode F:
Link Index Panel P36C, Physical Objects, Indicating Choice, Vocal Imitation
Panel LC3bV1, Ten “Pointing” Video Clips