Peggy Study, Panel P079 Themes: Playing with Rob, Objects Source: (Lawler); date: 7/30/1979 Title: Text commentary: These clips show most extensive interactions with Rob; balls, cylinders, beanbag pre-counting P79A1 Rob’s Toy Car, 22mb P79A2 Ring Tower, 14mb P79A3.1 Wooden Nickels, 13mb P79A3.2 Wooden Nickels, 24mb P79A3.3 Wooden Nickels, 4mb P79A3.4 Wooden Nickels, 20mb P79B1 Standard …
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3V0559.01 “Daddy Hug Peggy” : 08/04/79; Comforting the baby, it was our custom to hold her close and pat her gently on the back. Amusingly, when she was so comforted, even though crying, Peggy would return this gentle patting on the back. Recently, she has begun responding to my statement or question “Daddy hug Peggy” …
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3V0558.03 Mama! : 08/03/79; As Gretchen noted earlier [6/26], Peggy would call “Mama,” using that word when she wanted Gretchen. What is noteworthy now is more the frequency of Peggy’s use than its early appearances. NOW, any time she wants anything of Gretchen, Peggy calls “Mama!”
3V0558.02 Hi and waving : 08/03/79; Over the past several weeks, Peggy had delighted in waving good-bye to another who approaches our main door. She also waves (at me, I know) when I enter the house and say, “Hi, Peggy, I’m glad to see you.” She also waves good-bye when going up to bed or …
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3V0558.01 Cookie: 08/03/79; Peggy’s way of expressing her want of a cookie has been for months to come to the base of a cabinet where they are usually found or known to be then to point (often rising on tip toe) and repeat /aenh/aenh/aenh/ with a tone of desperation in her voice. She has, of …
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3V0556.01 Toothbrush: 08/01/79; Playing on my bed, looking at the older children’s pictures, Peggy saw my ‘traveling’ toothbrush on the adjacent dresser top. “Have that, have that” was her cry and I did not stop her from taking it. Peggy picked up the toothbrush by the handle, examined the bristles, then tentatively opened her mouth …
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3V0555.01 [Car, car, go, go]: (07/31/79) I was taking Peggy and Scurry for a walk. I carried Peggy out to the garage and seated her in the stroller. Peggy waved her hand around and cried, “Ca’, ca’, go ca’,” indicating she wanted to go for a ride. She has often said “Ca’” under those circumstances, …
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