Vn126.1 Turtle on the Bed 3/14/78
This Saturday morning I sat in the reading alcove working away, and
Miriam came to join me. Robby was downstairs and Gretchen out of the
house. Miriam offered to sit in my lap, but I protested to being busy
and turned her down.
Miriam moped a little, then crawled on my bed and into the center.
She began to move and spin in a most puzzling and distracting fashion.
“What are you doing? You’re driving me batty!” My gripe inspired
Miriam to explain. Requesting a pen and a 3×5 card, she drew the picture
below of what she was doing in her “crawling on the bed game.”
Miriam’s verbal description was that she was “making one of those maze
things.” (Cf. Home Session 23, 2/14/780
I value this incident as an example of Miriam’s exporting into her
play world the kinds of knowledge and activities The Intimate Study
involved her with at Logo.