

Welcome! Glad you’re here.

Questions you might have: First Answers:
What can I do at this web site? If you are a visitor, you can “poke around” into anything here that might interest you. You could follow graphic links from the “Welcome” page, you could exploit the structure of the horizontal “pull down” menus, or you could take a slice through the database using the “tags” in the left sidebar. The list of research post-links in the right sidebar will grow over time. The Web Log of posts, “Post Log,” is under the pull down “Welcome” menu.
Do I have to register to use it? No, not to look at the materials. If you want to comment on any post or article, you will need to identify yourself with a name and email address. Administration will read your message, whether a comment for attachment or a request to become a subscriber.
Do I need register to print? Not at this time. The button’s there to be used, but site content will change with time. It certainly would be OK to offprint samples and examples to share with colleagues and students, whether in paper or in a digital presentation. We encourage that (and suggest you skim the post, “Printing” in the right sidebar).
But suppose I want to write my own post, can I do that? You can become a contributor to this archive, possibly an author. For that, we would need to learn about your intentions, and you would agree to participate in discussion with those who comment on your post. A research group would typically be organized by an editor. A reasonably dynamic discussion can proceed if other group members are subscribers, permitting them to attach comments to the originating post under the editor’s aegis, bypassing the time-lag of review and approval by Admin. Other contributors, e.g. the Analyst, could also write comments if they have something to add.
Would I have to pay? No. That’s not expected; it’s certainly not required.
What else could I do? Let’s suppose you have created a collection of materials, taking a “slice” through the database, either by a lexical search or a tag-selection sort. That collection forms an archive; it can become a resource for your own ideas and for discussion with others, as a common ground of reference. Through the Posting-Linked-Data process (see the discussion in the How_to post), that collection becomes a draft; you, as the originating contributor, can edit that draft as you please, adding your own views and references to other, external links. If a contributor or an author, you submit the post for publication, and you lead any ensuing discussion. (Any review, by Admin or Analyst. will focus on making helpful suggestions which you may follow or ignore at your discretion.)
When will this become public? As soon as possible. Development is ongoing, now, in public. The best information about plans and impediments is on the Builder’s log. Opening to subscriber and contributor registration will increase the administration load, and there is much work to be completed before that load can be taken up. In the mean time, we urge you to explore this database of vignettes, articles, and books.

Comments have been closed because I’m sick of spam about shoes and purses.

Cordially, the Administration. (“Admin”)

How do I get to the Home Page? At the top of this page, click on the word “Welcome” or right here.
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  1. A visitor recently made this comment:

    Hi, thanks for sharing. I’m wondering if it’s OK to copy some of the text in my site?

    The admin replied:

    Hi, My friend. Thanks for your interest. Our policy is in the “Guests” and “How to” posts;
    from “Guests” above:
    “It certainly would be OK to offprint samples and examples to share
    with colleagues and students, whether in paper or in a digital presentation.
    We encourage that…”

    from “How_to:”
    Q: Can I copy some of these documents and share them with others, e.g. students?
    A: Sharing this research is also the intention. The site materials are copyrighted.
    Please respect that. [It’s easy: the footer contains a copyright notice, as does each
    printed page.]

    You can see the copyright notice in the footer of You could just copy
    that and append it to the text you copy. (of course, you might not like the color.)
    Then copy this:

    ©2013, Robert W. Lawler for Natural Learning Case Study Archives. All rights reserved.

    What is the nature of your site? What are your objectives?
    You can send this info privately to me at
    Keep it simple.

    I propose you keep THIS reply as our approval of your request and that I add
    a comment similar to this to another post. Doing it that way will preserve
    your anonymity and clarify our policy generally. Thanks, and…

    Best regards,

    • Thanks. The original was in html. Here I use WordPress for easier maintenance
      by others when I shuffle off this mortal coil.

    • You’re welcome, and thanks to you also. When there is much detail
      it must be well put together if anyone is to understand. Cordial regards.

Comments are closed.