Gallery Summaries in Overlapping Categories: ^
Life moves too fast. We love so few.
Too soon they’re gone, then we are too.
Family Photos:
Gretchen Priemer Lawler, 1970
Rob, Miriam, Peg, Kate, 1993
See Family Gallery:
LC0a Family Gallery .
For two family-integral case-study / photo collections (Building our first home and Restoring my classic sports car) see:
Cedar Hall and
Remade in the USA at
LC0a Other
Logo Summary: See “Children, Computers, and Powerful Ideas,” (Seymour Papert, 1980); a closer alternative: poke around in this website.
Emerging Spiral Arms in a Logo Design
Robby, making brownies with Seymour
Mirror Image Inspi Designs (10, 0, 17)
Polyspiral a la Slot Machine
Marvin Minsky, on Winning the Japan Prize,1993
Logo Gallery:
LC0a Logo Gallery .
Professional Summary: See my colleagues’ suggestions:
Research Vectors .
Marvin With a Basketball signed by Larry Bird
Sheldon H. White, 1988, at Purdue
Masoud Yazdani, 1988, in England
Oliver Gordon Selfridge at Purdue, 1989
Professional Gallery
LC0a Professional Gallery .
Research Summary:
9-fold polyspiral design at 177 degrees
Mirror Image Inspi Designs (10, 0, 17)
Vn 130-1 Miriam Solves an Old Problem
Questions the computer enables Peggy to answer herself
Research Gallery:
LC0a Research .
Extended Family Summary : (Here, Bob at 4, 8, 40, and 64))
BobMom6: Miriam Stones Kealey Lawler at 20. Wedding Day with MRL.
BobMom8: Miriam S. K. Lawler at 26, with 2 sons
BobBro: M. David Lawler and "Porky"
Extended Family Gallery:
LC0a Extended Family Gallery .
Travel Summary:
h3> To the East, West, and in between:
at home in the rain - Stone Henge
Denitha With the Dock Microworld, 1989
Buddha in the Rain, Kamakura, Japan, 1993
Travel Gallery:
LC0a Travel Gallery .