
Peggy Study, Panel P190 Themes: Language Development, Object Exploration, Social Interaction: Computer Use Source: (Lawler); date: 9/13/1981 Title: Text commentary: These clips show ??; Why important ?? P190A1 TI-Logo Blocks, 24mb P190A2 TI-Logo Blocks, 19mb P190A3 TI-Logo Blocks, 15mb P190B Lincoln Logs, 28mb P190C1 Std Objects: Cups, 30mb P190C2 Std Objects: Boxes+, 7mb P190D Toy …

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3V1332.01 More Singing: “ahem, ahem” (9/15/81) Peggy singing: “Ahem, ahem” something like “My mother’s gone to church…. She told me not to play with you or let you eat my margarine.” the verse goes something like this: ahem, ahem, me mother has gone to church. She told me not to play with you because you’re …

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