The Intimate Study Sessions
The sessions were mechanically recorded, all on audiotape and many on videotape. Processing of the marginally edited transcripts and working materials of these sessions is described below. These relatively formal, directed working sessions at MIT’s Logo lab (approximately 70) and at home (approximately 20) exhibit more than four months of interactions between Miriam and me in a computer-centered environment. The data are as detailed as any critic could wish.
Extensive excerpts from these Sessions have been published in “Computer Experience and Cognitive Development.” (These are being made available on this archive in the analytical chapters of the book at LC2b Analyses. The remaining source material for these excerpts are manual transcriptions of the sessions (in three 3″ loose leaf binders) and their immediate derivatives in partial summaries and typescripts. (No attempt has been made, so far, to digitize the manual transcripts.) These sources are further backed up by magnetic media, both video and audio (of questionable accessibility now. I have the tapes; the issue is deterioration).
The video materials have been digitized and, in the main, segmented into episodes and uploaded to this archive. See LC2c Video.