Peggy Study, Panel P107 Themes: Language Development, Object Knowledge, Social Interactions Source: (Lawler); date: 2/11/1980 Title: Text commentary: These clips show Peggy’s choices determining activities; further they exhibit the continuing and increasing demand that her language performance rise to a comprehensible standard P107A1 Plans versus Toys, 21mb P107A2 Fitting Into Holes, 26mb P107B Use Typewriter, …
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3V0755.02 Many Lawlers (2/16/80) Riding in the car, Peggy spoke to herself up in her car seat. “Peggy Lawler. Mimi Lawler. Robby Lawler. Mommy Lawler. Daddy Lawler.”
3V0755.01 [offa Daddy] (2/16/80) Peggy sat in my lap and was squirming. “Do you want to get down?” I asked. She said, “offa Daddy,” as she clambered down from my lap.
3V0754.01 [Robby offa chair] (2/15/80) Robby was given a chair by his great grandmother when he was 2. It was handed down to Miriam and now to Peggy, but he still feels privileged to sit on it (though much too big). Peggy asserts the chair is hers (after all, she is the only one of …
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3V0749.01 Words and Numbers; primary roots of discrimination (2/10/80) Miriam and Peggy play with my yardstick a lot (a free one from a local hardware store, it has the measure and advertisements on it). Miriam marches around with it on her shoulder: “hup, two, three, four; hup…” Peggy marches too, “hup, two, three; hup, two, …
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