P128D1 Clip Notes
Notes: 4:01 | by Analyst, 3/22/2014 |
Setting,Props | Cedar Hall, Family Room: |
Actors,Aims | Peggy and Bob; GPL on camera. |
Episode A: 0:03 to 1:39 |
Ring Tower: solution with Excess Pieces Bob: (setting the toy tray down on the floor) I got s’more toys out for you peg. Peg: yeah. (walking over to the toy tray) toys. Bob: (dumping a number of rings out of the large wooden box) all of those. Peg: (bending down to the collected rings: an expression of pleasure) Bob: (placing the ring tower base with conical shaft on the floor) and these and these of these. Can you get them all on? Peg: (selecting ring A equal ring 6, she puts it on the shaft then immediately removes, albeit with some difficulty; unclear verbal comment) Bob: what did you say? Peg: these 1st (selecting ring B equal ring 4, she puts it on the shaft and pushes it down gently saying: there. Picking up a larger ring C equal ring 2 she puts that on the shaft on top of the smaller ring 4. Then adds ring D equal ring 1, saying: and now (?? That?). At this point, the rings rise above the top of the conical shaft. Selecting ring E equal ring 3, she places it on top of ring 1. Peg next selects ring F equal ring 5, sitting that on top of ring 3. As she selects ring G equal ring 6, Bob interrupts –) Bob: I think you’ve got a bug there, sweetie. (He takes a ring from behind Peggy and tosses it on the floor in front of her asking: how are you going to get that what? Peg: (picking up to rings, apparently of the same size equal ring 6, she asks: these? (She puts the 2 rings down on the floor in front of her, turns to Bob and asks: where’s the bug? Bob: (laughs) I’m sorry, I didn’t mean to confuse you, dear. Peg: (while Bob is talking, she picks up a large ring 2. Trying to put them on top of the ring towers stack, she knocks off the loose ring on the top and the one below it, leaving 3 rings on the conical shaft.) Bob: they don’t seem to stay on very good. Peg: (she removes remaining 3 rings and puts them on the floor.) These. Peg: (selecting ring A equal ring 0) these 1st. (She places ring A on the conical shaft; which goes down to the base. Selecting ring B equal ring 1, she puts it on the shaft.) Biggies. (She selects ring C equal ring 1 duplicate and adds that to the stack on the shaft. Selecting ring D equal ring 2, she puts that on the stack is the 4th ring. Next, selecting ring and E equal ring 4, she adds that, and then, fills up the shaft capacity with ring F equal ring 6.) There, I did it Bob: you sure did. I don’t know how we got more pieces than belong on there, but you sure did it. GPL: because we used to have 2 of them. And that is the shorter post. Peg: (while GPL talking, Peggy adds 2 more small rings equal ring 6 on top of the stack. Bob: you did a beautiful job…. Did you know that? Peg: yeah. (Obviously and properly pleased with herself.) |
Episode B: 1:40 to 2:31 |
Discussion of Excess Pieces; second pass solution Peg: those fall down. (She knocks the 2 top rings from the stack on the shaft.) Knock, knock. GPL: but that one, though, the yellow on – – Bob: (reaching out to the yellow ring equal 3, he pulls that over near Peggy) what about that one? Peg: (putting down the rings in her hands, she removes the 2 top rings) there. (She now adds the yellow ring equal ring 3 on top of the four rings, A, B, C, D, remaining on the conical shaft.) (Peg selects ring E equal ring 5, puts it on top, which fills the capacity of the conical shaft.) GPL: I’ll be doggone. You think Miriam’s been teaching her this? Bob: I don’t think so. They were hidden away… Up on the top shelf here. Peg: (while Bob is talking, Peggy selects ring F equal ring 4 and sets it on top of ring E. She then adds rings G and H, both equal ring 6 on top of the stack.) Bob: I’m very impressed peg. GPL: it looks as though she’s got the criterion in there that you put the biggest one on the bottom. Peg: (removing the top 4 rings, leaving ring E as now the top of the stack. Removes ring E, the yellow ring equal ring 3.) Bob: (responding to GPL’s comment) she didn’t do it at 1st, but she figured it out mighty quick. Peg: (returning to rebuilding the stack, peg selects the yellow ring, ring E equal ring 3, and adds that to ring A, B, C, and D. This completely fills the stack.) GPL: (referring to the earlier challenge of inserting the yellow ring and the stack) she took off just the right number of one’s to put that yellow 1 in. Bob: yes. Peg: (moves away from the ring tower in the direction of the toy tray.) |
Episode C: 2:32 to 4:01 |
Beanbags and Cylinder / Tube |
Episode D: | |
Episode E: | |
Episode F: | |
Episode G: | |
Episode H: | |
Themes, Interplay |
Panel P128, Language Development, Object Exploration, Social Interactions