Peggy Study, Panel P048 Themes: New Toys, Object Exploration, Books as Objects Source: (Lawler); date: 12/25/1978 Title: Text commentary: These clips show Peggy largely on her own, interacting with new things. P48A1 Christmas Toys, 26mb P48A2 Christmas Toys, 19mb P48A3 Christmas Toys, 10mb P48B with Toy Dog, 11mb P48C Book, then back to Toys, 11mb …
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3V0337.01 Christmas (12/25/78) Peggy received a few presents today — some new, some hand-me-downs. she didn’t understand the opening of packages. Peggy chewed on her new rattle and dish, but most seemed to enjoy chewing on the box which contained the rattle. The tree with its hanging ornaments caught her attention most — especially the …
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