
P49A2: Pointing, with Mom, 11mb

P49A2 Clip Notes

Notes:n:nn by Analyst, 10/15/2024
Setting,Props Cedar Hall, Family Room: Pointing with Mom
Actors,Aims Peggy & Mom; Bob on camera.
Episode A: Peggy: That, (dhat or /∂æt/)
Mom: Sometimes I think you hide it [Peggy raises right arm in a pointing gesture] there on purpose.[P: her index finger alone extended] Well, she’s really interested in watching that fox on the wall. {P: turning to Fox Painting, That.]
Bob: Well, it’s a new thing that we just put out. That also fits in with her discovery that there are all those pictures on the wall in our bedroom. [Peggy moves toward Foxes Poster] Why don’t you pick her up and let her look at them?
Mom: [raising, carrying Peggy to Poster] Red fox pup and its mother.
Bob: Oh, my goodness. I got very little light over there. [Mom moves back for light, returns as Peggy reaches toward Foxes] What do you think of that, Peg? Is that a nice picture?
Peggy: [turning to Bob] “Ha’ That”
Bob: How’s that? That’s great. That’s just super. That’s a little baby fox, and it’s mommy. Yeah. {P: That.} You like that? Great stuff, huh?
Peggy: (unclear sound)
Bob: Hey, what? {P: That} What about that? That. That’s that? That’s a baby fox.
Mom: And that’s the mommy fox.
Episode B: Bob: Why don’t you show the one that’s on this wall over here, Gretchen?
Mom: [approaches Painting, with Peggy] {P: That} That’s a fox, too. {P: “Who’s that”, (whooz dhat, /hwuiz ∂æt/)} (Unclear: A credit) to his father.
Bob: Maybe… {P: That}
Mom: Ah-oof, careful.
Bob: Well, what I find so striking, Gretchen, is her sudden interest in vertical things. They, in walls. In fact, it seems to me this past week, she’s discovered walls for the first time. [Mom holds Peggy up to the Painting] Hey, Peggy. Yoo-hoo, Peg. Is that interesting?
Mom: How easy would it be for her to knock that down?
Bob: Not very easy. Oh, okay. It does look a little shaky, though, doesn’t it? Okay, Peggy. Well, thank you.
Episode C:
Link Index Panel P049, Communication & Pointing, Object Exploration, Family Interactions
Panel LC3bV1, Ten “Pointing” Video Clips