3V1234.03 Reading: one word at a time (6/9/81) Peggy played with the computer — off and on — during most of the day. Mostly she was “on.” (She even left the supper table to play with her “world”) although she took a break now and again to have a snack or to join Robby and …
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3V1234.01 A New Way of Presenting Words (6/9/81) Peggy’s biggest problem in typing words [from a list] was recognizing which word she was copying to the keyboard. I began telling her to look at the first letter of the word and to remember what it was, emphasizing it that way and by identifying it by …
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3V1188.02 You can spell everything, not merely “French” (4/24/81) Peggy is apparently coming to realize that all words can be spelled (not merely “French”). The cause of this conjecture I can’t document, but she sat in my lap this afternoon and asked me to spell word after word…. words with no apparent connection, ending up …
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3V0805.01 Language as formulating experience (Eavesdropping) (4/6/80) Peggy wakes early. As I brought some morning coffee to Gretchen, I heard Peggy talking in the crib (through the wall) “Look at the spider, swinging…swinging…” Why is this significant ? Language as formulation of experience, expressing the flow of understanding without communicative intention; fluency as delineating the …
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3V0769.01 Miriam’s Pillow; idea: function words as pause fillers (3/1/80) Because in the worst periods of her allergies, Miriam slept better sitting up, we bought her a king sized pillow. It is longer than Peggy is tall and wider. Thus Peggy finds it perfect for falling on. Miriam tried to take it away while Peggy …
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3V0767.01 Don’t rub your eyes”; imitation as analysis by synthesis (2/28/80) So, Gretchen reminded me. I sat in my chair with Peggy and one of her books on my lap. (My eyes get itchy from allergic reactions and I rub them excessively, almost without noticing). Peggy turned, looked at me (after I had stopped) and …
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3V0709.02 [Mimi did it…Peggy’s] Good example; issues important; developing a vocabulary to describe observed phenomena. (1/1/80) The situation to which the locution applies was Miriam’s making a wrapped package, a present, and giving it to Peg. Peggy brought it to me to show. what is significant here is the pause/connected structure of the phrasing. There …
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3V0583.01 [me]: contrast with relation words. This word is significant in contrast with the preceding relation words because it can only mean one thing. As we five sat at table over lunch that Peggy at one point turned her finger to her chest, pointing, and said “me”. I don’t recall the details of context but …
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3V0568.01 A Verbal Confusion: 08/13/79; During the videotape session P81, Robby read THE POKY LITTLE PUPPY to Peggy. At that time, or later in the evening, Peggy pointed to a picture of a lizard (on the page with no other animals). “Lizard,” I said. Peggy imitated my naming by saying /***/, possibly /***/. (This heard …
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3V0536.01 More words and situations: “Give this to dada” vs. “dada have that”; language role in microworld selection: role genetically prior to terminal specification though it recedes to discourse level feature (CENTRAL IDEA) (7/12/79) Miriam sat across the dining room table unable to bring me something I wanted (a magazine, perhaps). She directed Peggy, “Give …
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3V0516.01 Naming cars; relation of teaching and exploration (6/22/79) Riding Back from graduation at MIT, Peggy frequently pointed at trucks passing in the opposite direction with her squeals of delight. We named them for [her] “truck,” “van.” We all over subsequent days continued this on local trips where the distinction was often made between trucks …
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3V0513.01 Sentence completion (6/19/79) “Peggy, do you want to get…?” This question I addressed to her while she stood in her high chair. Peggy responded /dau/. No big surprise. The point is raising this question to salience. What minor changes of our speech patterns can we introduce that will permit us to better probe Peggy’s …
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3V0502.03 TIRADES; issue: forming technical terms for phenomena appearing in observations (6/8/79) Tirades — I am introducing this word as a technical term in the sense in which it appears in French and Italian drama. The tirade is a long speech or declamatory passage by a single actor directed to an audience but not to …
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Vignette 84.1 of The Intimate Study source materials. Unpublished. Robert W. Lawler.
Vignette 66.1 of The Intimate Study source materials. Unpublished. Robert W. Lawler.
3V0398.03 First introduction to pictures of herself. (3/01/79) Late February – Pictures and Names (a reconstruction) Carrying Peggy back from the balcony, when she pointed to some pictures and requested them, I turned Peggy to pictures of her hanging above the balcony entry. I was trying to distract her attention to pictures beyond her easy …
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3V0327.02 Helen Keller as archetype (12/15/78) Helen Keller situation as extreme exemplar of every infant’s plight.
3V0246.01 Rejecting food: 9/25/78 Peggy being fed. Deciding she had enough, she stuck out her tongue, full and rounded, effectively blocking off her mouth. At another feeding, she did the same, then looked at me and smiled and opened her mouth for food — (Was it a test to see if she could refuse food …
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3V0240.01 Substituting “bub” for /ae/ in conversations with Peggy. 9/19 /b/\b/b/\b/b/\b/ — Peggy’s conversations at table have continued much as previously described. Her primary phoneme is /ae/ in this use, which she repeats with many variations of tone, length and number of repetitions. In our conversations of this day, I tried to see if Peggy …
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3V0233.08 Dancing, disappearance, and reappearance 9/12 Last night (9/12) Peggy sat in my lap as we played some records I brought back from Boston. Robby and Miriam had been cooped up inside this rainy afternoon, and when they heard some fast jigs and reels by De Danaan, went into their own version of step dancing …
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Vignette 8.4 of The Intimate Study source materials. Unpublished. Robert W. Lawler.
Vignette 8.2 of The Intimate Study source materials. Unpublished. Robert W. Lawler.
Vignette 7.1 of The Intimate Study source materials. Unpublished. Robert W. Lawler.
Vignette 3.2 of The Intimate Study source materials. Unpublished. Robert W. Lawler.