3V0138.02 Grasping and the Teething Jack (6/09/78)
Laying on her stomach on the floor (with a spread out sleeping bag under her), Peggy’s world of mouthable things is limited to her reach. She extended her right arm and grasped, slowly and with readily apparent difficulty, a knob on one arm of the jack. since she supported her chest and head by leaning on her arm, even though she had grasped the jack, she could not bring it to her mouth. Obviously frustrated, crying, she eventually brought her left hand over to another (the opposite) arm of the jack and grasped. She could still not pull it back to her mouth – she had it firmly grasped with her right hand !. when she let go, Peggy brought the jack toward her mouth and got a knob on one end into it, But the placement had another one poking her in the neck and this hurt her whenever she let her head droop. Poor baby. I rescued her quickly. Is this more perspicuously described by Minsky’s C-germ or is it stepwise anchoring with variation