3V1156.01 Spelling a word: “B-E-R” for bear, from “BearHug” Peggy sat on the floor by her typewriter. She looked up at me and said, ‘I spelled ‘Bear’.’ when I asked her how, Peggy pressed in sequence the letters, ‘B’, ‘E’, & ‘R’. I asked how she knew to spell Bear that way, but she did …
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3V1155.03 New question form during March and April: [Can we x — yes or no ?] ( 3/22/81) Peggy has a habit of posing a question and demanding an immediate answer. “Can we go for a walk ? Yes or no?” Almost every question is accompanied by this insistence. Gretchen.
3V1155.02 Auxiliary introduced in non-std. way: “Should” ( 3/22/81) Peggy has been using the verb form “should” as an inquiry “Should I have cereal?” “Should you help me get dressed?” She does this where you expect her to say “can” or “will”. Gretchen
3V1155.01 Cuisenaire rods: playing with them after experiments (3/22/81) Guessing games Peggy had used Cuisenaire rods in the immediately previous videotape. Somehow she got hold of them again and I became aware that she was laying them out [Bob had, I think, tried to see if she would build a “stair.”] As she did so, …
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