3V0940.02 Left and right: convincing discrimination (8/19/80; 8/28/80)
8/28: Bob: Gretchen reports that a few days ago, Peggy came to her
crying. When asked what was wrong, Peggy answered, “I hurt my left
leg.” When Gretchen asked her to show Mommy the hurt place, Peggy
pointed to her left leg.
A short time ago, Peggy asked me to help her put on her sandals.
Undoing the clip, I asked her to give me her left foot. She did that. I
relayed to Gretchen, “When I asked her for her left foot, she gave me
the right one.” Peggy corrected me, “This is the right one. (holding out
the other foot).”
8/28: Gretchen: A day or so ago, I asked Peggy which side of her dress
she would like a pocket — which hand would she like to put in it. She
replied, “Left.” and held up her right hand.