Peggy Study, Panel P084 Themes: Language Development, Precursors of central cognitive skills. Source: (Lawler); date: 9/3/1979 Title: Text commentary: These clips show language development, encouragement of “loud thinking,” and precursors of quantity and inclusion. P84A1 Ring Tower and Talk, 12mb P84A2 Rings and Pockets, 18mb P84B1 Blocks, etc., 25mb P84B2 Peggy & Her Chair, 11mb …
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3V0594.04 [mommy, get door]: vocative action sentence. 9/8/79 Running the dishwasher. The last thing to go in was Peggy’s cup. she called after it [cup, cup, cup…]. Then she scrabbled at the closed door of the machine, finally turning to me and saying “Mommy” (not momma) “get door.”
3V0594.03 /cul’/dae/gen’/: elaboration of verbal portion of script for exploration beyond simple pragmatic requirements. 9/8/79 Peggy enjoys playing with Scurry in different ways, but most of them share the element of her getting Scurry to move where she wants her. The usual form involves tugging the dog’s tail or ear. Tonight, Peggy found Scurry with …
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3V0594.02 ONE, TWO: [one, two]: note on standardization of Peggy’s counting 09/08/79; You can’t avoid counting, and it’s hard to avoid instructing those who don’t know what you know — but we’ve been trying to avoid instructing Peggy. The children are persistent, at odd moments that we can’t witness. So Peggy’s idiosyncratic counting [one, one, …
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3V0594.01 /wae/thaet/: issues: discussion of what a word is. 9/8/79 Peggy has enjoyed playing with my belt as a baby but has not done so for quite a while. Today, she sat in my lap and, pointing at my belt buckle, said, “/wae/thaet/?” I told her it was a belt buckle, which answer seemed to …
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3V0593.01 [maemae take bath]: CENTRAL NOTE: first complex follow up to /cul’/du/vae/vae’/ 9/7/79 This morning, as Peggy and I played on the bed, Gretchen asked if I were going to take a bath, and we agreed she should do so first. Peggy played with her bear, picked up a book, called out “Mama !” and …
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3V0591.01 [on]: draw a heart on my arm. 9/5/79 Another case of “on” meaning “put something on my arm” — Peggy and Miriam both sat on my lap. I drew a heart on the back of Miriam’s hand. Peggy held up her hand crying [on… on… on… ] so that I should also draw a …
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3V0588.03 /wae/thaet/: interpretation question “what’s that? ” or “wash that” (cf. note # 3V593.1) 9/2/79 While Peggy was playing in the kitchen, Gretchen washed out a large old diaper pail we use for trash. It was not on the floor and vertical, in which place and position Peggy knew it well, so I interpreted her …
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3V0588.02 [some…/bae/bae/]: appearance of modified noun, but no clear evidence that “some” is used adjectively. As Peggy has recently pleaded [one… one… one…] when asking for a cookie or a piece of cheese, an apple, or whatever. Our frequent response has been “Do you want some cheese ?” etc. Thus the word “some” has begun …
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3V0588.01 [mine…box]: “sentences” with pauses; precursors to standard structures. 9/2/79 Playing in the living room, Peggy recognized a large card board box in which I kept blocks et alia for our experiments. Robby has just picked up all the junk left scattered about by Peggy the day before. She struggled to pull the box off …
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