3V0978.01 BANG vs. RING: limits of word recognition (9/26/80)
Peggy has been able to identify as “BANG” the word in “The Calculus
Affair” when it appears in a yellow cloud of color. She did not (in P140
in 9/29/80) distinguish it from the word “CRACK” so displayed
(although she may have done so earlier, (cf. vignette / / ). Tonight,
9/13/80, she climbed on the bed and we began reading “Destination
Moon.’ Page one shows a telephone with “RRING” above it. When
I asked its meaning, Peggy said “Ring.” She clearly discriminated
something in that picture from one saying “BANG.” On the next page,
I asked her to read a frame showing NESTOR and “DING” (no phone).
I expected her to say “BANG.” (No.) or “RING”. She looked at the
preceding page and said it did NOT say “RING.”
NB. This note lead to the experiment in P140 where I probed Peggy’s
ability to read these words. It is clear she can read the word “BANG”
but none other.