
P108C: Standard Objects, 19mb

P108C Clip Notes

Notes:n:nn by Analyst, 4/8/2014
Setting,Props Cedar Hall, Family Room:
Actors,Aims Peggy and Bob; GPL on camera.
Episode A:
0:03 – 0:25
Peggy Chooses to play with GPL:
Episode B:
0:26 – 1:12
Insertion of Balls into Cups:
Episode C:
1:13 – 2:03
Ring Tower (with GPL):
Peg: (peg pours the large ball into the toy tray, then turns her attention to the ring tower.)
Peg: (the ring tower begins with 3 rings on it: ring 0, ring 4, ring 6. Trying to remove ring 6 from the top of the conical shaft, peg draws the ring tower to her, holding the shaft in her right hand and working on ring 6 with her left hand. When switching hands she succeeds in removing ring 6 with her right hand, and takes the edge of the ring into her mouth, beginning a phrase that could mean: daddy look – – but it is garbled because the ring is in her mouth… She lets it drop, puts it on the conical shaft again, then removes it and puts ring 6 in the toy tray. With a little difficulty, she removes both ring 4 and ring 0 from the conical shaft, setting the base upright in the toy tray.)
Peg: (Saying: do that – – she inserts ring 4 in her mouth. Peg turns looking at Gretchen, then let’s the ring dropped to the floor. Picking up ring 4 again, she puts it on top of a cup between her legs, then moves ring 0 from her left hand and with her right hand puts it on top of a 2nd cup between her legs.)
Peg: (she lifts the ring tower and puts it on the floor between her legs. Selecting ring A equal ring 4 she puts it on the shaft; she says – – as interpreted: are these nice? Are these nice?
GPL: (supportively) pretty nice.
Peg: (selecting ring B equal ring 0, she puts that on the shaft on top of ring 4. Turning again to the toy tray, she selects a beanbag and balances it on ring B at the top of the shaft. Picking up a 2nd beanbag from the toy tray, she retrieves the 1st beanbag from the top of the ring tower and focuses on other objects.)
Episode D:
2:04 – 2:33
Beanbags and Boxes; Sticks:
Episode E:
2:34 – 2:56
Large Ball and Beanbag:
Episode F:
2:57 – 3:56
Throwing and Bouncing Large Ball:
Episode G:
Episode H:

Panel P108, Language Development, Object Exploration, Social Interactions

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