PG11 Clip Notes
Notes:n:nn | by Analyst, R W Lawler, 10/01/2024 |
Setting,Props | Cedar Hall, Family Room: |
Actors,Aims | Peggy and Bob; Mom on camera. |
Episode A: | Bob: Well, hey. You remember I asked you to do this experiment this morning? Why was that? Peggy: Because you wanted to read something that Hop and Pop. Bob: Because you were reading it to me last night and you did such a super job. Peggy: I’ll read it all the way until they cut to the person with the red hair. Bob: Well, we’ll talk about that when we get there. Okay, what do we see here? Oh, one more thing before we start. You were saying this morning when we were talking, you were still in bed, that you hadn’t been practicing right before you brought the book to me last night, but that you had been practicing in your mind. Can you tell me a little bit more about that? What you mean by practicing in your mind? Peggy: Well, I don’t know what– Bob: Put your arms down. Just look at me here. Peggy: I don’t know how to practice in your mind, though. Bob: Oh, you don’t? Well, I use the words in your mind. You were just practicing. How are you doing that? Were you Are you looking at the book or something else? Something else. Well, what was it that you were doing? Peggy: I was looking to try to figure out what I knew. Bob: Okay. Did you ever look at the words or just the pictures? Peggy: Just the pictures. Bob: Okay. |
Episode B: |
Bob: Well, let’s go ahead and we’ll try to read this. It’ll be a little tricky because these knobs on the front here. Okay? Well, I’ve got it clamped in so that it won’t go away. So this, you can Can you read the title, of course? Peggy: Hop on Pop. Bob: Of course. We’re going to add all these things here. Can you do any of those? No. Can you read this bunch over here? No. I was wondering because last night it seemed you started to read this, and then you just said, Well, let’s go ahead and look at the words inside. Let’s skip over this. You know what that says, though. Peggy: Hop on Pop. Bob: Okay, can you hold a minute here? Let me see. Remember how we sometimes use the tape recorder? Peggy: Yeah. Bob: Well, I’m going to start the tape recorder right now. Can you remember the little light will go blink, blink whenever you’re talking loud enough? Peggy: Yeah. Bob: Okay, so let’s see you read this and see if you can make the light blink. Okay. I’ll watch the light and tell you if it’s going to go blink, blink. |
Episode C: |
Peggy: Okay. Up, Pup. Pup is up. Bob: Beautiful. You’re making it blink just beautifully. Another thing that might be fun would be if you could point under the words when you read to them, but you don’t have to. If there’s any word that’s I’m not giving you a little trouble, you point at that and we’ll see if we can do something about it. Peggy: Cup, Pup. Pup in cup. Bob: Super duper. Peggy: Pup, cup. Cup on Pup. Bob: Well, It looks to me like this cup is under the cup. Why doesn’t that say Pup under cup? Peggy: Because that means that the Cup is on top of the pup. But it’s too hard to say Cup, No, I mean, Cups on Pup. Bob: Okay, we’ll just go with that. Bob: Well, it looks like my system here isn’t working too good. What do we have here? Peggy: Mouse, House. Mouse on House. House, Mouse. House on Mouse. [titter] Bob: Well, it looks to me a little different. I think that this must say Mouse carrying House. Can you tell me why? How you know it says house on mouse? Peggy: Because the house is not the mouse. Bob: What the picture shows you. But it also shows you the little mouse going on. And that’s like carrying, isn’t it? Peggy: Yeah. But all it means the same thing. |
Episode D: |
Bob: Okay. Let me ask you something else. If I cover up those letters, can you read what that says? Peggy: Ouse. Ouse. Bob: Okay. When did you figure that out? Peggy: I don’t know. Bob: I thought you figured it out last night is what I’m getting at because you looked a little puzzled when you were reading this in bed. [turning the page] So I would specula– Peggy: [as Bob turns the page] All Tall. Bob: Oh, you had trouble with that last night, too, didn’t you? Well, you’re doing super, kiddo. Peggy: All tall. We all are tall. [reading individual words deliberately] Bob: Well, can you point to the word that says “are”? How do you know that says “are”? Peggy: It begins with “a”. Bob: Well, so does this one here [pointing to “all”] Peggy: “Are”, that’s not… That spells all. Bob: Beautiful, Peg. That’s spells all. Beautiful. Okay. |
Episode E: | |
Link Index | Panel PG11, Reading, Adding with Fingers, Social Interactions |
Themes, Interplay |
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