Peggy Study, Panel P103 Themes: Language Development, Object Exploration, Social Interaction Source: (Lawler); date: 1/14/1980 Title: Text commentary: These clips show ??; Why important ?? P103A1 Singing, 4mb P103A2 Reading to Camera Man, 21mb P103B1 Hop On Pop Words on Cards, 6mb P103B2 Hop On Pop Book, 29mb P103C1 Building Blocks, 24mb P103C2 Blocks: Arch …
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Peggy Study, Panel P101 Themes: Puzzles, Objects, Reading Source: (Lawler); date: 12/31/1979 Title: Text commentary: These clips show ??; Why important ?? P101A Puzzle Fitting, 15mb P101B Standard Objects, 28mb P101C Puzzle, Again, 25mb P101D1 Legos, w/GPL, 18mb P101D2 Legos, w/GPL, 16mb P101E Crayon, Paper, 6mb P101F1 Reading, w/GPL, 20mb P101F2 Reading, w/GPL, 24mb
Peggy Study, Panel P100 Themes: Language Development, Object Exploration, Social Interaction Source: (Lawler); date: 12/24/1979 Title: Text commentary: These clips show ??; Why important ?? P100A1 Reading London Bridge, GPL, 17mb P100A2 Reading Brittanica Book, GPL, 9mb P100A3 Reading London Bridge, GPL, 12mb P100B1 Puzzle Box, 16mb P100B2 Puzzle Box, 20mb P100C Building Blocks, 18mb …
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Peggy Study, Panel P099 Themes: Language Development, Object Exploration, Social Interactions Source: (Lawler); date: 12/17/1979 Title: Text commentary: These clips show ??; Why important ?? P99A Christmas Tree, 8mb P99B1 Play with Miriam, 23mb P99B2 Play with Miriam, 23mb P99C Standard Objects, 25mb P99D Building Blocks, 24mb P99E1 Dapper Dan, 7mb P99E2 Writing/Drawing, 8mb P99F1 …
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Peggy Study, Panel P098 Themes: Language Development, Object Exploration, Social Interactions Source: (Lawler); date: 12/9/1979 Title: Text commentary: This is the period of transition from pre-verbal vocal communication to shared language; a critical step to language competance P98A pre-Writing, 22mb P98B Blocks, w/Bob, 22mb P98C1 Snoopy Train, 29mb P98C2 Snoopy Train, 12mb P98D1 Standard Objects, …
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Peggy Study, Panel P097 Themes: Language Development, Object Exploration, Social Interactions Source: (Lawler); date: 12/3/1979 Title: Text commentary: These clips show Peggy and her Mom for more than half the session. P97A Toilet Lesson, with GPL, 15mb P97B Interruption, Miriam, 5mb P97C1 Mixed Play, with GPL, 20mb P97C2 Toilet Play, with GPL, 21mb P97C3 Dress …
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Peggy Study, Panel P096 Themes: Language Development, Reading, Object Exploration Source: (Lawler); date: 11/26/1979 Title: Text commentary: The situation here led to Peggy “reading” her new Grover book to Camera Man Bob; requests for clarification and extension developed into what almost has the appearance of a conversation. Drawing Peggy out verbally argues that her expressive …
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Peggy Study, Panel P095 Themes: One, Two, Three Source: (Lawler); date: 11/19/1979 Title: Text commentary: These clips show ??; Why important ?? P95A1 Reading with Miriam, 26mb P95A2 Reading with Miriam, 19mb P95B1 Puzzle-Box with Robby, 19mb P95B2 Puzzle-Box with Robby, 20mb P95C Toy Box, with Rob, 14mb P95D Talking,with Bob, Rob, 13mb P95E Dancing …
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Peggy Study, Panel P094 Themes: Language Development, Object Exploration, Social Interactions Source: (Lawler); date: 11/11/1979 Title: Text commentary: These clips show ??; Why important ?? P94A Rolling Bell, with GPL, 20mb P94B Ring Tower, with GPL, 22mb P94C1 Box of Toy Animals, 20mb P94C2 Box of Toy Animals, 20mb P94D Standard Objects, plus Dog, 21mb …
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Peggy Study, Panel P093 Themes: Communication, Object Exploration, Reading Source: (Lawler); date: 11/5/1979 Title: Text commentary: These clips show the impulse to make sense of experience P93A1 Abacus, with Miriam, 22mb P93A2 Abacus, with Miriam, 25mb P93B1 Standard Objects, 25mb P93B2 Standard Objects, 22mb P93B3 Standard Objects, 18mb P93C Play Recorder, 10mb P93D Read Music …
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Peggy Study, Panel P092 Themes: Language Development, Object Exploration, Social Interactions Source: (Lawler); date: 10/29/1979 Title: Text commentary: These clips show ??; Why important ?? P92A Help with Shoes and Socks, 6mb P92B1 Building Blocks, 16mb P92B2 Alphabet Blocks, 19mb P92C1 Reading, with Rob, 17mb P92C2 Toys, with Rob, 22mb P92C3 Toys, with Rob, 17mb …
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P104, Peggy at 2 years (video): Peggy’s choices; standard objects; puzzle-box; blocks w/Miriam; books, also w/Rob.
3V0731.01 At the Childrens’ Museum (1/23/89) Peggy and the rest of us came to Boston for her birthday. My reasons for proposing this trip were that I though she would enjoy the infant’s castle at the children’s museum, to introduce her to the Kuehnle’s, and to introduce her to Logo. We all went to the …
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3V0729.01 [bye, X] -> [bye chair]…[bye table]…[by stairs]…(as bedroom entered) [bye bed] [bye culdy]…bye Robby… bye Mimi…(bob, from afar, “what about daddy?”) bye daddy] [bye house…bye car…bye trees…bye house (a neighbor, the car now moving) Going upstairs to have her diapers changed, Peggy recited a litany as we passed.
3V0728.04 [to-me]: another bound preposition (1/20/80) Asking for a xxxttle (candy) Peggy held out her hand and commanded, ‘to me.’ Gretchen.
3V0728.03 [take X] Central note on syntax development: Anchored on verb “take”; following agent is variable. The phrases (sentences) made of two elements; they have internal pauses deleted. (1/20/80) Miriam brought to my attention today what I expect to be primary evidence for the pause deletion development of Peggy’s speech. Miriam reported that Peggy was …
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3V0728.01 CAUSE – toilet training; cause, agent, effect (1/20/80) We have tried to interest Peggy in using a small toilet. She plays with it, pushing around the house, chasing the dog with it, and so forth – investigating the removable pot and peering at it every which way. Now she knows the clothes come off …
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3V0728.01 [Robby…lookit] vocative + verb example (plus others) (1/20/80) Another example of a vocative-verb to element structure. Peggy, just now, (1/29/80) came out with another, more directly comparable to ‘Mimi…did-it’), she carried a book to Robby and said ‘Robby, do-it.’
3V0724.01 [no…no…no] accompanies failure of trial fitting shapes into holes of box. (1/16/80) Playing with her shapes box, Peggy held a shape in her hand and matched it with the holes on one side of the box. ‘No…no…no.’ She turned to another side. ‘No…no…no.’ Then she turned to the correct hole and immediately fitted the …
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3V0723.01 [chlokat mook] spontaneous expression of desire. (1/15/80) Spontaneously, as we were heading home over Stepstone Hill, Peggy remarked [chlokat mook] “Chocolate milk.” Gretchen.
3V0720.03 First time Peggy opens shape-fitting toy box. (1/12/80) For the first time, Peggy opened her shape-fitting toy box. On later days, she has delighted in dumping out the pieces and fitting them back in through the holes.
3V0720.02 [joke… knock-knock]: verbally formulated classification based on a single exemplar. 1/12/80) We all sat at table this evening. Either Gretchen and I teased and all of us laughed, Peggy too. I believe I asked her what she laughs about (the joke was one she could not comprehend). Peggy responded, “joke…” and then continued “knock-knock.” …
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3V0720.01 [fork…hurts…arm…me]: Peggy’s most complex phrase construction before the upsurge of pause deletion and appearance of anchoring with variation in her verbal productions (1/12/80) Peggy stabbed herself with the tines of a fork. I can’t recall whether she was in her high chair or helping unload the dishwasher, but her words and pauses are certain. …
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3V0719.01 [gone…room], [found…floor] more examples of loose structures. (1/11/80) [gone…room] Peggy wanted to go out with me. As I stood with my coat on by the door, I asked, “Where’s your coat ?” Peggy responded, “Gone…room.” She then ran into the living room (which she refers to as “room” and returned with her coat.. [Found… …
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3V0718.02 Tirades: reappearance as singing (cf. P103-105); talking to Scurry. (1/10/80) Failing earlier to capture Peggy’s tirades mechanically, I’ve been delighted to find this behavior re-emerge. The most striking example appeared as Peggy led Scurry around the house on the leash. She spent considerable time yammering at Scurry as she took her on this inside …
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3V0718.01 Who’s there ? (Original notes on homely binding and lonely discovery) (1/10/80) Peggy’s use of the knock-knock joke script has been monolithic — ie. she would not respond in the victim’s role, nor would she continue in any way no matter what response her victim made. This morning, when I brought some coffee to …
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3V0714.01 [own stool… on it] Example of two loosely joined tight substructures: needed descriptions of cross level tightness of binding. (1/6/80) Miriam cooked soup at the stove and Peggy wanted to see. Miriam offered the use of her small red stool, one of two. Peggy chose to get the second, put it next to Miriam, …
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3V0709.02 [Mimi did it…Peggy’s] Good example; issues important; developing a vocabulary to describe observed phenomena. (1/1/80) The situation to which the locution applies was Miriam’s making a wrapped package, a present, and giving it to Peg. Peggy brought it to me to show. what is significant here is the pause/connected structure of the phrasing. There …
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3V0707.01 Color names: beginning of a long story. (12/30/79) Peggy wears plastic pants over her diapers. Most are transparent. One pair is pink and she prefers that pair. While changing her recently, Gretchen began putting on a pair of transparent pants. Peggy cried plaintively, “Black, black” while pointing in the direction of the pink pants …
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3V0706.03 [fork!…for-me]: example of bound preposition (12/29/79) Peggy sat in her high chair. Miriam had made an open faced cheese sandwich and given two pieces to Peggy. It is our custom to eat such fare with our fingers. Peggy had put her fork on the table beyond immediate reach. Other of us ate food with …
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3V0706.02 Puppy in Boston: default location of “gone” animate things (12/29/79) Over the past several weeks, Peggy has often given evidence of distinguishing between the sound of a bark and the word as the name of the sound. One of the puzzles Peggy received for Christmas was a five piece Puppy puzzle. Peggy came crawling …
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3V0706.01 Knock knock jokes: story used in ACR chapter of CECD. (12/29/79) Jokes have been much in the air lately. I’ve worked on OCL: Inventing Jokes. Miriam made me a joke book as a Christmas present. Peggy has begun telling knock-knock jokes, apparently in imitation (without instruction): Peggy: knock-knock ? Victim: Who’s there ? Peggy: …
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3V0705.01 Social Shaping of utterance word order change 12/28/79 (see 12/22/79) Today Peggy remarked “Drop…hat…water.” [Usually when she points to this and says whatever, I respond “Yes. The man dropped his hat into the water.” Later on, she phrased it “drop…water…hat” Coming back from Gordy’s, Bob made some remark about beer. Peggy immediately cried “pop-pop …
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3V0704.01 Playing the piano. (12/27/79) Often since her early infancy, Peggy would come to me while I sat at the piano and ask to come up with me. It has been my practice to then play “chopsticks” with the middle range of the piano free for Peggy’s playing with me. I have shaped her playing …
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3V0703.02 Adjectives and Causes “shitty…toilet…diaper…init.” (12/26/79) Carried past the bathroom where her newly removed diaper was soaking: “shitty…toilet…diaper…init.” Gretchen.
3V0703.01 [Mimi…mad…Mimi…fall down] Expressed speculation. (12/26/79) Miriam has been playing with her old set of infant size legos which we gave Peggy for a Christmas present. She has tried through much of the day to construct a mobile dog (dragon?) and failed with amazing consistency. Lately cries of “awg !!” have been coming down from …
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3V0701.01 [Mine…Peggy…Peggy’s…back]:clear use of a possessive, but one where syntactic structure is decidedly subordinate to the context; Peggy’s picture (12/24/79) I bought some Polaroid film the other day and today had taken a picture of Peggy sitting with me in my chair. I set it on the piano to develop completely. when her image appeared, …
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3V0700.02 Knives and spoons: learning the word “fork”; called initially a spoon; when I named the object as fork, she called it a “foon”; counting incident. (12/23/79) When the dishwasher cycle ended, I asked Miriam to put away the dishes. Helpful Peggy was easily recruited. She started selecting silverware from the dishwasher and carried it …
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3V0700.01 [apples…all gone] (12/23/79) Peggy has been sick the last few days — running nose, cough and excessive vomiting. We decided to regularize her diet by removing the large bag of apple I recent bought from Bishop’s Orchard. Peggy has been eating enormous quantities of apples (for one her size). I removed that bag in …
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3V0699.02 [hat…water…drop]; [li-len run…puppy running too] (comments on book pictures). (ca. 12/22/79 ) Looking at another picture in London Bridge, Peggy said, “hat…water…drop.” (a man is leaning over the balustrade of new London Bridge, looking down at the hat he has dropped.” Looking at the Brittanica book “words.” “li-len (lion)” “run… puppy running too.” (to …
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3V0699.01 Peggy’s first arch. (12/22/79) During many experiments, Peggy has played with the blocks shown in this picture, has even been shown an arch (in P??) — but she exhibited little interest in the blocks except as objects to pile and kick over. At the end of P99, Peggy took these blocks and piled them …
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3V0697.01 [nice bear]: feeling is first ! good example for raising issues in the further-specification model. (12/20/79) Peggy has been using the term “nice” very frequently both as an expression of her feeling about something and her request for concurrence. For example, in P99 or P98, after drawing on a piece of paper, she asked …
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3V0696.01 [run…running]: effect of variant form in parent expression; interpreted by Peggy as correction. (12/19/79) Peter Spier’s “London Bridge is Falling Down” is one of Peggy’s favorite books. She really likes the page on which is “Iron and steel will bend and bow.” Inevitably she points to the figure in the middle. “Run.” (Gretchen responds:) …
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3V0695.01 Non-standard nouns [all+/i/] (12/18/79) 12/18 truck…truckie. 12/20 sock… sockie (previously “soxie”) Gretchen.
3V0690.01 Harp and Guitar: naming shows assimilation of a new object to a familiar schema with spontaneous naming, social differentiation of relations, and her locking in the relationship. (12/13/79) We were all watching the Marx Brothers movie “Monkey Business.” (Note also that bob Despain recently gave Miriam an old Guitar of his.) At one point, …
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3V0687.01 [gone…room] answers “what happened to your pants?” progressive specification example. (12/13/79) Peggy came into my ken in a short [shirt?] and diaper. “Peggy, what happened to your pants ?” “Gone…room,” she responded. Here the meaning of “gone” is clearly applied beyond the scenario of her game — but the pattern of her response is …
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3V0689.02 Singing. Play [morny dew]; ride [boton…lynn] (12/12/79) About this time, Peggy began referring to “Morning Dew” to indicate she wanted to hear some Irish Music (One of our newest records is Makem and Clancey’s “Two for the Morning Dew” with two songs referring repeatedly to “early in the morning dew” and “two for the …
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3V0689.01 Conversation: adverbial phrase sans pause assembled from fragments of Gretchen’s phrases. (12/12/79) Today Peggy inquired of me “Daddy ?” G: “Daddy’s coming home… probably tonight.” P: Back ?” G: “Yes, Daddy’s coming back.” “Soon.” Later on, I said something about Daddy, and Peggy responded, “Back soon.” In one of our conversations, Peggy said something …
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3V0688.01 Directions and conversation: [there…up]; [throw… down] (12/4/79) As I was sitting in the big recliner, Peggy came over to me and requested, “Book.” confused, I replied, “Book…Where ?” Peggy waved her hand in the general direction behind me and said, “There…up.” following her instructions, I located the Sesame Street record, whose built in “book” …
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3V0686.01 [gone…bird] Formulation: pre-sentences as further verbal specification of a well worked out scenario of action (along with infant’s gradually increasing sense of what else it might have meant). (12/4/79) Peggy has been playing her “gone” joke or game (cf. ???) for sometime. Frequently when she says gone, I ask “What’s gone?” Today, while [playing …
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