P110B Clip Notes
Notes: 4:51 | by Analyst, 4/7/2014 |
Setting,Props | Cedar Hall, Family Room: |
Actors,Aims | Peggy and Bob; GPL on camera. |
Episode A: 0:06 – 0:36 |
Ring Tower: Bob: (taking the ring tower base and cylindrical shaft from the toy tray, Bob asks: what do we do with this? He puts it on the floor in front of Peggy) Peggy: (selecting ring A equal ring 0, she drops it on the shaft and it falls to the base. Selecting ring B equal ring 4, she tries to quickly put it on the conical shaft and misses. Retrieving ring B, she says: got it. Bob: you got it. Okay. Peg: (she slips it on the conical shaft and seeks another ring in the toy tray. Ring C is ring 6; she puts that on the top of the shaft. It is possible that she says: green, on. But ring 6 is purple.) There. Bob: (pointing across the toy tray to another ring, he asks: but what about that one? Peg: (selecting ring D, equal ring 3, she puts it on top of ring 6 and the protruding knob.) Yeah. (Ring D hangs off the top, but does not fall to the floor.) Bob: is that right? Peg: yeah. Bob: is that just the way you want it? Peg: yeah, she says as she removes the ring and puts it back in the toy tray. Peg: (she turns her attention to beanbags as she collects 3 and to her hand.) |
Episode B: 0:36 – 1:11 |
Beanbag Insertion into Boxes & Number: |
Episode C: 1:12 – 1:53 |
More, Again – interupted for siblings: |
Episode D: 1:54 – 2:20 |
Showing “Something Neat”: building a Tower: |
Episode E: 2:21 – 3:30 |
Tower Extension & Problems: |
Episode F: 3:31 – 4:51 |
Tube, Balls & Throwing: |
Episode G: | |
Episode H: | |
Themes, Interplay |
Panel P110, Language Development, Object Exploration, Social Interactions