Peggy Study, Panel P136 Themes: Language Development, Object Exploration, Social Interaction Source: (Lawler); date: 8/31/1980 Title: Text commentary: These clips show ??; Why important ?? P136A1 Legos and Toy People, 20mb P136A2 Legos and Toy People, 18mb P136B1 Letters Desk, 20mb P136B2 Letters Desk, 24mb P136B3 Letters Desk, 19mb P136C1 Standard Objects, 25mb P136C2 Standard …
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3V0956.02 Odd turns of speech: (9/4/80) Driving along Goose Lane, Peggy looked for cows in the fields but none were there, She explained that maybe they were in the barn, asleep. “Soon they will be wake upping, They will have some food.” Later on in the day she remarked. “We saw ducks to the water.” …
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3V0956.01 Meaning more than she can say (9/4/80) This note documents an incident more remarkable for what Peggy failed to say that for what she did say: While I was off in Boston, Miriam had been sitting in my arm chair (one from which I shoo the children whenever I want to sit there.) It …
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