LC0bO10 The Structure of References
Appendix D: References in Experiencing Youth
The Structure of References in Experiencing Youth
The following list of references is an attempt to categorize their relative importance to Goethal’s view of how to make sense of the collection of case studies in Experiencing Youth. The objective is to pull together central works to communicate that view through a form of database that might be more effective as a resource than the mix of source book, handouts, and library reference that is the usual form for such material. I imagine this database of material would be comprised of the source book, Experiencing Youth, and a suite of essential articles, among which would be included papers by Anna Freud, Robert White, and J.W.M. Whiting.
Three books’ theories provide conceptual foundations for interpretation; in the context of a course, books by Freud, Sullivan, and Erikson might be required reading at the beginning of the semester. The theoretical books would be supplemented by extended worked examples of analysis and argument, such as one finds in Lives in Progress (White) and On Becoming a Person (Rogers). These and other important works are listed with the prefix A. Other books also have letter prefixes, such as B (secondary) and C (tertiary) indicating their distance from the core of Goethal’s view.
The articles I subdivide into three categories: the inner circle of reference; the secondary references; and the outreaching references (this last, ungainly term I choose to emphasize that although such are not tightly coupled to the Goethal’s view but are nonetheless of major value; that is, they are not “peripheral”). The articles will be listed with a number prefix to indicate whether they are central (1), secondary (2), or )outreaching (3)).
If I imagined offering a course based on Experiencing Youth, the five core books I would choose as essential reading would be:
– S. Freud: Three Contributions to the Theory of Sex
– E. Erikson: Identity, Youth, and Crisis
– H. Sullivan: The Interpersonal Theory of Psychiatry
– R. White: Lives in Progress
– C. Rogers: On Becoming a Person
The following categories of books and articles are in order referenced within the text of Experiencing Youth, grouped by the section headings where they appear.
Guide to Teaching and Learning with First Person Accounts
C/3. readings assigned by others for Case 24…
C. (footnote) Perry > Forms of Intellectual and Ethical Development in the College Years (1970); cited thus twice
A. White > Lives in Progress (1966, 1958)
A. Rogers > On Becoming a Person (1961)
Selected Theoretical Accounts
C. Hollingshead > Elmtown’s Youth (1949)
C. Coleman > The Adolescent Society (1961)
The Study of Adolescence by Not Studying It
C. Farrell > Studs Lonnigan ()
C. Macarthy > The Company She Keeps > ()
C. Brown > Manchild in the Promised Land ()
C. Wright > Native Son ()
C. Marquand > ?? () – no specific title
C. Faulkner > The Bear ()
C. Augustine > The Confessions ()
C. Joyce > A Portrait of the Artist as a Young Man, ()
C. Mann > ?? () – no mention of specific title
C. Anderson > Tea and Sympathy ()
C/3. Freud -> position on feminine psyche – no specific title
3. Lewin -> on theory as guide to research – no specific title
C. Hall > monumental work (1904) – no mention of specific title
C. Coleman > The Adolescent Society (1961)
1. R. White > three articles (1963a, 1960, 1959)
1. Kroeber, T.C. > The Coping functions of Ego Mechanisms in R. White (ed.)
The Study of Lives (1963)
1. A. Burton & Whiting > The Absent Father and Cross-sex Identity (1961)
Psychoanalytic Theory and its Contributions to the Study of Adolescence
A. A. Freud > The Ego and the Mechanisms of Defense (1946)
1. S. Freud > The Case of Dora (1950)
B. Blos > On Adolescence: A Psychoanalytic Interpretation (1962)
1. Erikson > Identity and the Life Cycle (1959)
1. A. Freud > Adolescence, 1958
C. Jones > Some Problems of Adolescence (1922)
3. Bernfield > Über eine typische Form der Männlichen Pubertät (1923)
C. Aichorn > Wayward Youth (1925)
2. S. Freud > New Introductory Lectures on Psychoanalysis (1933)
A. S. Freud > Collected Papers (1950)
1. S. Freud > The Transformations of Puberty (1953/1905)
1. A. Freud > Adolescence 1958
B. Blos > On Adolescence: A Psychoanalytic Interpretation (1962)
The Contribution of Erik Ericson
C. Murphy > Historical Introduction to Modern Psychology (1950)
A. Erikson> Childhood and Society (1950)
A. Erikson > Identity: Youth and Crisis (1968)
The Theoretical Insights of Harry Stack Sullivan
A. Sullivan > Conceptions of Modern Psychiatry (1940)
A. Sullivan > The Interpersonal Theory of Psychiatry (1953)
B. Sullivan > The Psychiatric Interview (1954)
A. Sullivan > Schizophrenia as a Human Process (1962)
The Work of Robert White
1. White > Motivation Reconsidered (1959)
1. White > Competence and the Psychosexual stages of Development (1960)
1. White > Ego and Reality in Psychoanalytic Theory (1963)
The Psychoanalytic Position and the Problem of Values
B. Allport > Pattern and Growth in Personality (1961, 1937)
B. Allport > The Person in Psychology (1968)
B. S. Freud > Civilzation and its Discontents (1957)
A. Erikson > Childhood and Society (1950)
C. Fairbbairn > An Object-Relations Theory of Personality (1952)
B. Guntrip > Schizoid Phenomena, Object Relations, and the Self (1968)
D. Kretcshmer > Physique and Character (1925)
D. Sheldon > The Varieties of Human Physique (1940)
C. Maslow > Motivation and Personality (1954)
Contributions of John Whiting and Talcott Parsons
C. Whiting > Becoming a Kwoma (1940)
B. Parsons and Bales > Family, Socialization and Interaction Process (1955)
C. Parsons and Platt > A Sociology of Age (1969)
B. (footnote) Maccoby > The Development of Sex Differences (1966)
2. Anthony in Maccoby > Readings in Social Psychology (1958)
2. Whiting, Anthony, Kluckhorn > The Function of Male Initiation Ceremonies at Puberty (1958)
2. Whiting > Sorcery, Sin, and the SuperEgo (1959)
1. Burton and Whiting > The Absent Father and Cross-sex Identity (1961)
A. Erikson > Childhood and Society (1950)
C. Murdoch > Social Structure (1949)
A. A. Freud > The Ego and the Mechanisms of Defense (1946)
1. S. Freud > The Transformations of Puberty (1953, 1905 orig.)
3. (footnote) Kagan > Psychological Review 65 (1958)
C. (footnote) Kohlberg > Development of Moral Character and Moral Ideology (1964)
A Psychoanalytic Approach
A. A. Freud > Adolescence (1958)
B. Blos > On Adolescence (1962)
C. (footnote) Adler > The Individual Psychology of Alfred Adler (1956)
1. (footnote) Robert White > Ego and Reality in Psycholanalytic Theory (1963a)
An Interpersonal Approach
A. Sullivan > The Interpersonal Theory of Psychiatry (1953)
A. Erikson > Identity: Youth and Crisis (1968)
A. Erikson > Childhood and Society: (1950)
C. M. Mead > Adolescence in Primitive and Modern Society (1958/30)
A. Erikson > Identity and the Life Cycle (1959)
C. Reisman > The Lonely Crowd (1950)
C. Miller and Swanson > The Changing American Parent (1958)
C. Seeley > Crestwood Heights (1956)
C. Freidenberg > The Vanishing Adolescent (1963, 1959)
1. Keniston > Alientation and the Decline of Utopia (1960)
1. Keniston > “Inburn: an American Ishmael” (1963)
1. Murray > The American Icarus (1955)
3. Walters > Student Apathy (1961)
1. Keniston > The Uncommitted (1960)
1. Keniston > The Young Radicals (1968)
1. Goethals > The Sexual Revolution (1967) -> Kafka > The Castle
1. Whiting et al. > The Function of Male Initiation Ceremonies at Puberty (1958)
B. Bettleheim > Symbolic Wounds (1954)
1. Burton and Whiting > The Absent Father and Cross-sex Identity (1961)
C. Kenyatta > Facing Mount Kenya (1962)
C. Whellis > The Quest for Identity (1958)
A Psychosocial Approach
– Another approach, not inconsistent with Erikson’s – no title referenced
C. Sears > Patterns of Child Rearing (1957)
3. Wolfenstein > Trends in Infant Care(1953)
B. Kinsey et al. > Sexual Behavior in the Human Male (1953, 1948)
C. Hamilton > Research in Marriage (1929)
C. Terman > Psychological Factors in Marital Happiness (1938)
C. Henry > Sex Variants: a Study of Homosexual Patterns (1941)
C. Fletcher > Situation Ethics (1966)
C. Heron > Towards a Quaker View of Sex (1963)
A. Sullivan > Conceptions of Modern Psychiatry (1940)
B. Blos > On Adolescence: A Psychoanalytic Interpretation (1962)
B. Tanner > Growth at Adolescence (1962)
1. Ehrmann > Some Knowns and Unknowns in Research into Human Sex Behavior (1959)
A. Sullivan > The Interpersonal Theory of Psychiatry (1953)
1. Christiansen > Cultural Relativism and Pre-marital Sex Norms 1960
1. Christiansen and Carpenter > Value Behavior Discrepancies Regarding Premarital Coitus in Three Western Cultures (1962)
C. Fairbairn > An Object Relations Theory of the Personality (1952)
1. Whiting et al. > The Function of Male Initiation Ceremonies at Puberty (1958)
1. Miller > Lower Class Culture as a Generating Milieu of Gang Delinquency (1958)
C. Roher and Edmundson > The Eighth Generation (1960)
2. Carlsmith > Effect of Early Father Absence on Scholastic Aptitude (1964)
B. Maccoby > The Development of Sex Differences (1966)
2. Munter > Intellectualization of Sexual Experiences (1962, unpub.)
3. (footnote) Group for Adv. Psychiatry > Sex and the College Student (1965)
A Phenomenological Approach
A. Rogers > Becoming Partners: Threads of Intimacy (1972)
An Interpersonal Approach
B. (footnote) Blos > On Adolescence: A Psychoanalytic Interpretation (1962)
An Object Relations Approach
C. (footnote) Winnicott > Collected Papers Through Pediatrics to Psychoanalysis (1953)
B. (footnote) Blos > On Adolescence: A Psychoanalytic Interpretation (1962)
C. (footnote) Modell > Object Love and Reality (1968)