Peggy Study, Panel P180 Themes: Language Development, Object Exploration, Social Interaction Source: (Lawler); date: tbd Title: Bringing Kate onstage, Problem Solving Text commentary: These clips show ??; Why important ?? P180A With baby Kate, 22mb P180B1 Beam Balance, 20mb P180B2 Beam Balance, 16mb P180C1 Colored Blocks, 22mb P180C2 Colored Blocks, 11mb P180D Cuisenaire Rods, 26mb …
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3V1266.01 Implicit Instruction: speech generated alphabet (7/11/81) Peggy asked to play with the speech generator. I set it up and keyed in the alphabet — for no particular reasons other than to test it’s functioning — then realized that this extended symbolic object, of marginally greater interest to me than random letters, was now an …
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3V1265.01 Fireman’s Bazaar: a broken heart for Daddy (7/10/81) This evening the three children and I went to the fair. Robby and Miriam disappeared instantly and left me with Peggy. We watched some square dancers then sauntered over in the direction of the merry go round. Peggy’s eyes lit up and she asked if we …
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3V1264.01 TI Speech Editor (7/9/81) This limited function module appears to do no more that recite letter names. That, however, is now very interesting to Peggy. After watching Miriam and me play with it for a while, she asked to take over. It appears that any combination of letters not separated by a space or …
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