3V0910.02 Possessive pronouns: non-standard forms [he lives in he’s house.]
Peggy was reading that Britanica book which begins with a picture of
several animals and asks where they live. There are pictured on one
page a horse, dog, spider, turtle, and others (?) and on the facing page
a barn, pond, dog house, and web. Peggy did not point to the house of
one of the critters, and I asked, for clarification, “Where does he live?”
With clarifying emphasis, Peggy exclaimed, “He lives in HE’s house.”
A few days later, there was some small altercation with Miriam, and she
claimed Peggy hurt her hand. Peggy defended herself, “I didn’t hurt SHE hand.”
Gretchen notes in the kitchen just now, Peggy describing Scurry
drinking from her dish “She’s drinking she’s water.” (note: re-check on
/’s/ with possessive:) [Gretchen’s more precise specification: “Gurry
drinking she’s water.”
Importance: Given the irregularity of the pronoun, it should be no
surprise that Peggy learned them as ad hoc items (eg. this is MY X, this
is MINE, not YOURS; it doesn’t belong to YOU). The possessives are
important to her and she has known those above for quite some time.
What is striking is the difficulty [of learning] the non-standard form shown
in the possessives of a third person. Is it because they are rarely used,
and she is fabricating her best guess ? Or do we have here an over-
extension of a systematizing rule (as when weak verb past tense is
super-added to the strong verb past tense) ?