Peggy Study, Panel P119 Themes: Language Development, Object Exploration, Social Interaction Source: (Lawler); date: 5/4/1980 Title: Text commentary: These clips show ??; Why important ?? P119A1 Letter Desk, 26mb P119A2 Scurry Incursion, 3mb P119A3 More Letters, 24mb P119A4 Letters Finale, 9mb P119B Letters & Reading, 22mb P119C Reading and Objects, 22mb P119D Reading and Storires, …
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3V0839.02 L” missing (5/10/80) Peggy played with her magnetic letters and plastic tray. After inserting in all their holes the letters available, she pointed to the space for “L” and said “L missing.”
3V0839.01 Assimilation example: dragon/’snake’ (5/10/80) Miriam brought home from the library a recording of “The Hobbit.” Pictured on the cover is the dragon, ‘Smaug’ (as Tolkein notes, a “low gothic joke.,” the past participle of “smugen” to extrude from or through a hole). No one, I believe, has even mentioned dragons to Peggy and no …
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3V0836.01 Imitation of role: (bob in chair, chasing away kids) (5/7/80) Peggy was sitting in Bob’s big recliner, reading. When Miriam came along, Peggy said to her, “Go away, Mimi… I trying to work.” At about the same period or slightly later, she chased Robby out of that same chair, telling him to leave because …
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3V0833.01 “Meaning”: asking about unknown references (5/4/80) Peggy has begun to inquire about what some incomprehensible utterance means. At supper this evening, we were discussing my next trip to Boston (Peggy is beginning to claim she should come along.) When, among familiar words, I mentioned going to “Logo”, Peggy immediately asked, “What meaning ‘Logo’?” Gretchen …
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