Case Study & Computing, Lawler & Carley

These texts are cameos and appendices published in Case Study and Computing.

LC0bO1 Inference, Assimilation, and Accommodation
LC0bO2 Would-Be Sciences
LC0bO3 The Notion of a Datacase
LC0bO4 Digital Biographies
LC0bO5 Sharing Case Study Details
LC0bO6 Hartley Hale Handwriting Analysis: this cameo is included as an example of analytical rubbish; such need be recognized.
Hope I have not provided too many examples myself.


LC0bO7 A Research Proposal for an Intimate Study

LC0bO8 Case Analysis Support Environment
LC0bO9 Role of Modeling in Case Studies
LC0bO10 The Structure of References in Goethal’s “Experiencing Youth