3V0876.01 More role articulation: (toilet training) (6/26/80)

Peggy has been much engaged with toilet training (mainly from social
pressure plus a little direct instruction). For example, when I called
home from Boston last week, she was so proud of herself she explained
having taken off her coat and dress and that she had pissed in the toilet.
Similarly, after shitting in her toilet on Saturday, she brought in the
removable pot to display her accomplishment. Now this morning,
before anyone else was up, I heard her talking through the partition
which separates our rooms. First, she spoke to some bug that dared
invade her crib and chased it away. Later, she said, “I just pissed.
SHAME ON YOU.” (The capitals indicating a louder tone. So we have
distinctions of roles, pronoun usage, and in volume/tone. But what is
she doing ? Is she using multiple roles to preserve recall of an unusual
verbal form “Shame on you.” ? So would run my speculation.