Vgn024.02 | Writing Stories(2) | 6/12/77 |
After dinner this evening, Miriam, who has been making late Mother’s Day presents for Gretchen, brought me “an early Father’s Day present.” The present, duplicated as Addendum 24 – 1, shows combined a typical drawing with another story in the WRITER model. Miriam could not spell the words, so she dictated it to Robby.
This material shows the expansion of the story form of WRITER into Miriam’s non-computer world. This conventional use of its story format shows its final liberation from the constraint of P, A, and Q stories. After writing the story about Scurry (see Logo Session 23), Miriam has apparently accepted the freedom of the form, and knowing she can get help with her spelling, will be now able to use simple text manipulators without the restraints of an excessive concreteness.
Addendum 24 – 1
Writing Stories: sample of Miriam’s work