3V0205.01 A Natural Experiment
< from earlier title: "Rolling Over (earlier socialization)" Meeting Cousin Matthew. (8/15/78 )
Peggy rolled over today from back to belly, but the evidence is circumstantial. She had been eating a teething biscuit and was covered with glom from head to foot. I put her down on her back in the crib while I went to fill her bath. when I returned, Peggy was on her stomach.
This past Rob’s ninth birthday. Grand mom had arranged for a “splash-party’ over at Betty Ann and Pete’s house, so after a brief rest and some lunch, we all went over to Cherry Hill. Their baby, Matthew, 12 days older than Peggy, was napping when we arrived, about 2 o’clock. Not too much later, he awoke and Betty brought him out. to meet us and Peggy. He is a big solid kid — 19 pounds compared with 15.5 for Peggy, who looks positively delicate compared to him. they seemed only moderately interested in each other. when brought closer, each reached out a hand, Matthew more aggressively than Peggy. She appeared a trifle wary, unsure of what was going on. Matthew was feeling for her face, and Betty remarked something about “straight for the eyes.” Peggy was then taken up to Matthew’s crib for a nap, as she had been up since 6:30 am and had slept only a short while in the car (she fell asleep on the way over). The two babies met again once more, with similar outcome. Additionally, both were placed on the floor, where Matthew sat with ease , while Peggy fell over every time she reached in any direction. Matthew’s bottle and something of Peggy’s were on the floor, and each reached for the other’s thing.