
Peggy Study, Panel P106 Themes: Language Development, Object Knowledge, Social Interactions Source: (Lawler); date: 2/4/1980 Title: Text commentary: As noted in these clips, most everyone in the family was feeling sub-par. This probably explains Peggy’s lack of persistence in playing with all the various things introduced in the session. P106A Typewriter, with Miriam, 17mb P106B …

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3V0748.01 [Where pony is ?] (2/9/80) Peggy’s favorite books are now about a pony, Little Black. It is kept on a shelf with another fifty or more books. when Peggy wants a specific book read, she usually carries it to her reader and says “read…some- name.” She has referred to missing favorites. “Bridge?…read Bridge ?” …

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3V0747.03 Number/temporal names (2/8/80) Miriam tells me she has asked Peggy the time and Peggy responded “eleven.” The answer was not correct but was significant as a number name. Peggy may have been imitating a specific response heard from some one else in response to the same question. Miriam asked again of Peggy, in my …

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3V0747.02 Pause deletion in practice (2/8/80) Peggy plays with a knitted pocket book belonging to her sister Miriam. She walked past my place at the table, talking to herself: Mimi…pocket-book… Mimi pocket-book.” This example argues that Peggy is constructing compact phrases “purposefully” by deleting pauses which occur naturally in a “commentary” mode of expression wherein …

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3V0747.01 [Culdy me… bite]; very non-standard form (2/8/80) Peggy came to me after playing with the dog and said “Bite hand” I asked, “Who?” She replied, “Culdy me…bite.” It’s obvious Peggy meant the dog bit her. The agent and patient were named with no intervening pauses. I consider this a clear, natural example of a …

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3V0744.01 A catalog of the kinds of things Peggy says (2/24/80) 2/5 “mama, look…did it.” 2/6 (Asking for cookies, and being told the wrapper was empty and the cookies all gone.) “Robby’s eat it.” 2/7 “Lookit…Lookit that” 2/9 (Rummaging around the bookshelf) Where Pony is ? [ie a book called “Little Black, a Pony.”] 2/11 …

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3V0743.02 More already compacted phrases; an invention (2/4/80) Peggy drinks a lot of juice, and it’s not surprising that she should produce a two-element phrase such as “good juice.” One could argue this was purely imitative by her merely taking cognizance of part of the question she heard frequently, “Is that good juice?/Is that good …

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3V0743.01 “Scurry” for the first time. (2/4/80) Today Peggy said “Scurry” for the first observed time. (getting her mouse, identifying owner.) Gretchen.


3V0742.01 Partly pause-deleted phrases (2/3/80) Peggy produced several phrases today exhibiting compaction by pause deletion – but such [is] not universal: Three examples: “toys… love-em” (at toy box) “Culdy…like-it.” (that mouse again) “find-it” The last has been common in Peggy’s recent speech and might be considered a precursor of the development of compound structure.