3V1109.01 Peer avoidance at story hour (2/4/81)

The story hour began later than Crafts. I took Peggy to the first session, since we were departing from there directly to Boston. We arrived late and Peggy was unwilling to join the other children. So I sat on the floor near them while Debbie Rutter told stories, etc. .
I tried gradually to draw Peggy into the circle, first getting her to sit close to me, then on my lap, then closer to the children, but she was reluctant. When they all rose to conclude the session with ring around the rosie, Peggy took the opportunity to drop back and to drop out..

— note of 2-15 : Gretchen tells me that at the second story hour, Peggy stood in the corner and refused to join the group. Also, she has taken her out of crafts because she seemed to get nothing out of it — except another library trip. That is, at the first opportunity, Peggy abandoned the crafts to make her typical selection of library books.