
3V0158.01 We move back to Connecticut: major hiatus (6/29/78) After Miriam was chased back on the school buys by the Gilligan’s dogs (and I was threatened by bared teeth by one of them) last Friday, we decided to move back to Connecticut. this implies we will have less time to play with Peggy and watch …

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3V0156.01 Peggy has discovered her feet (cf. note #32) (6/27/78) Peggy not only discovered her feet, she is exploring them. Today I saw her holding a foot with one hand and playing with her toes with the other hand.


3V0154.01 Movement: body awareness and relocating an object (6/25/78) For the first time I saw Peggy rise onto her hands and knees. (Gretchen remarks she saw her do so yesterday). A second kind of mobility Peggy has gained is rotational, e.g. she flails with all four limbs and makes a little progress at turning. She …

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