3V0368.02 Putting on and putting in are distinguished (1/25/79)

Relevance: These observations document that Peggy has now distinguished putting-on from putting-in. I believe further, that they trace Peggy’s experience through the events in which putting-on developed. The sequence is first, climbing, i.e. putting oneself on (at least getting on); drawing back from an object onto which one might not get if not so risky; putting-on other things as the put-on-able object.

Reflecting further: where might this lead ? This stool is for Peggy literally a “body-support-structure” –ie it is a thing capable of supporting her body. She should be able to dissociate the idea of her body from the support structure, but it will probably be quite a while before she can decompose its arches into legs and a span. However, she may soon discover that some put-on-able objects have the equivalent of a hollow, are thus put-in-able as well, just as cups are — her interest in side insertion should lead to that directly, Will she be surprised to find the putting-in one side may eventuate in coming out the other ? It is clear that the stool and perhaps a solid equivalent should enter our next video tape session.