Research with Family at and Through the Logo Project ^
Begun in 1975. Ongoing, more or less.
text summary, as guide to collection(NAY)
Making Brownies, Rob and Seymour, 1976
Rob's Logo "Big Building"
Rob at Logo, looking at Tinker Toy computer
Headstart Extension of Logo Family Research
Begun in 1988 at Lafayette, Indiana Headstart via Purdue
text summary, as guide to collection(NAY)
Mary E Hopper, Research Associate, at Headstart, 1989.
Headstart Kids using the Beach Microworld, 1988-89
Denitha With the Dock Microworld, 1989
Farm World and headstart kids, with language researcher
Headstart Helper & kids, with Lunar Lander world
Sprite Logo Moonscape, a la Lunar Lander