
Peggy Study, Panel P147 Themes: Language Development, Object Exploration, Social Interactions Source: (Lawler); date: 11/17/1980 Title: Text commentary: These clips comprise a shortened experiment (20 minutes); recording speed slow down reduces voice pitch again. P147A1 Puzzle Box, 22mb P147A2 Puzzle Box, 24mb P147A3 Puzzle Box, 21mb P147B Counting Hats, 6mb P147C1 Reading, 15mb P147C2 Reading, …

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3V1035.01 Constructive reading: Reading pictures and her own memories (11/22/80) Peggy’s crib is an unbelievable mess. There is hardly room for her with all the animals, covers, books in it. When put to bed before she’s sleepy, she will often read silently to herself. I have heard her, in the mornings, reading aloud. It is …

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3V1033.01 Holophrastic verbs: imitation of Peggy by Miriam as confirmation (11/20/80) Peggy imitates Miriam — sure enough — but the opposite is also true. Miriam has begun imitating Peggy’s single word descriptions…. single VERB descriptions. Peggy may pick up a cookie, say emphatically “eat” and pop it in her mouth. When reclaiming toys from the …

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3V1029.01 Graphics as names (11/16/80) Peggy sat on the floor, a large Richard Scary book opened to the title page which was decorated with the drawing of a large moose. The words, of course, were the title of the book. Peggy read it: “That say ‘moose’.”