LC1bA6 ^

Cognition and Computers
Extracts from Published Reviews

In British Book News. (1986).
…provides a good starting point for those wishing to extend their acquaintance with Logo to something more than simply drawing patterns with a turtle-graphics package.
Tony Gray
University of Loughborough

In Journal of Computer Assisted Learning(3) 120. (1987).
Lawler’s contribution is based on experiences with his son in very intimate circumstances. The observations and anecdotal evidence show that one-to-one personal sharing of learning can be very rewarding, for both mentor and learner…. Whatever questions are raised here, there is no doubt of the value of this book to teachers and future researchers. Too often the outcomes of research remain hidden in academic papers; here we have them exposed to a wider public….
Bob Lewis
University of Manchester

In Educational Review (39) 1. (1987).
…The work was carried out at the same time and in the same laboratory as the work with his daughter that he published in 1985 and provides a fascinating insight into the numerical development of his son, the relationship with the son’s teacher and between father and son….
J. Shearwood