
Peggy Study, Panel P135 Themes: Language Development, Object Exploration, Social Interactions Source: (Lawler); date: 8/24/1980 Title: Text commentary: These clips show ??; Why important ?? P135A1 Toy People and Legos, 23mb P135A2 Toy People and Legos, 27mb P135B1 Toy People and Legos, with Miriam, 16mb P135B2 Toy People and Legos, with Miriam, 22mb P135C1 Standard …

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3V0960.01 Tracing letters (8/29/80) Peggy’s set of magnetic letters comes with cards for inserting them into to spell the names of pictured objects. Peggy has been using them differently, as I first saw her doing while she played with Miriam. Peggy traces/scribbles inside the letter outlines of the card. I asked what she was doing. …

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3V0949.02 five page-long list of books read to Peg in March: should be inserted at 3/4 date Date Reader Action Book 3/4 Miriam read Little Black, a pony 3/4 Miriam look Know Your Scotch Terrier 3/4 Gretchen read Little Black 3/4 Gretchen look Know your Scotch Terrier 3/5 Gretchen read Winnie the Pooh (half story …

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3V0949.01 Roles involving three people: (correcting me about Gretchen) (8/28/80) I no longer recall the detail of this incident. What is important is development of the role-expansion theme from two to three characters. Note that Peggy only has trouble with the third person possessive pronouns (and adjective also). She has trouble — as will be …

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