
P132E: Bringing Persons, 20mb

P132E Clip Notes

Notes: 4:17 by Analyst, 3/19/2014
Setting,Props Cedar Hall, Family Room:
Actors,Aims Peggy and Bob; Rob on camera.
Episode A:
0:03 to 1:03
Bob finds Fisher Price Persons for Peggy
Episode B:
1:04 to 1:47
Bob Offers the Ring Tower for Play:
Bob: I can’t get any more persons, but we have more rings. Would you like to play with rings? (He puts the ring tower in front of Peggy, then brings out some more rings from the toy tray.)
Peg: (the ring tower holds 2 rings: ring 1 is on the conical shaft at the base; ring 3 is on the shaft with a gap between it and ring 1. When rings are on the floor in front of her, Peggy selects those at hand and, making “happy / musical noises” throughout, puts them on the conical tower in this order. Ring A equal ring 2; ring B equal ring 4; ring C equal ring 5; ring 6 remains on the floor.)
Bob: (interrupting her action, offering her a duplicate ring 5;) where does this one go?
Peg: (she puts it on top of the stack, despite there being insufficient room on the conical shaft.)
Bob: (offering her ring 6) where does this one go?
Peg: I don’t know.
Bob: (adding it to the top of the stack) this no good, is it?
Peg: (removing ring 6) no, that does not go on.
Bob: (pointing at the ring tower generally, specifically at the bottom ring and the gap above it) do think this is broken?
Peg: (touching the rings above and below the gap) yes.
Bob: can you see Peggy through this, Rob? Do you have the camera focused on her and what she’s doing?
Rob: Yep.
Bob: good.
Peg: (switching ring 5 in her hand for ring 6 on top of the stack, Peggy says: he’s happy here.
Bob: (pointing) well, then where does that one go?
Peg: I don’t know. It doesn’t go anywhere. (Once more switching rings, she removes ring 5 from the top of the stack and replaces it with ring 6; Peggy then drops ring 5 in the toy tray)
Bob: oh, it goes back in the box?
Peg: yeah. (Losing interest in the rings, she turns her attention to the Fisher-Price toys.)
Episode C:
1:48 to 3:16
Peggy Puts FP PErsons to Sleep in her Camper
Episode D:
3:17 to 3:41
Peggy Brings the Broken Doll
Episode E:
3:42 to 4:17
Peggy Finds another PErson, Adds it to Camper
Episode F:
Episode G:
Episode H:

Panel P132, Ecological Psychology, Midwest and its Children, One Boy’s Day