Peggy Study, Panel P035 Themes: Early Language Interactions, Object Exploration, a Typical Feeding SItuation Source: (Lawler); date: 9/24/1978 Title: Text commentary: These early clips show Peggy can be engaged in vocal communication; they help define a baseline for language development. The early play with objects on the floor has and has had the same purpose. …
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3V0248.01 (9/27/78) Peggy was playing with her ring toy on the bedroom floor. She had two of the bigger rings and was banging them down in an apparent effort to get them to roll. When they did so, she watched most intently. 10/2: Playing with Peggy and the smallest (purple) ring. I rolled it to …
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3V0247.01 Naming buttons in verbal imitation. Gretchen’s instruction “cookie”: 9/26/78; The older children in school and Gretchen chauffeuring a house guest to the bus depot, Peggy was left alone in my care for a few hours today. After her nap and my tending to a variety of her needs, Peggy decided my lap was the …
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3V0246.01 Rejecting food: 9/25/78 Peggy being fed. Deciding she had enough, she stuck out her tongue, full and rounded, effectively blocking off her mouth. At another feeding, she did the same, then looked at me and smiled and opened her mouth for food — (Was it a test to see if she could refuse food …
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3V0245.02 P035 is where Peggy’s verbal imitation began 9/24/78 9/24 On reviewing P 35, we can see that Peggy began verbal imitation RIGHT THERE! During the experiment, I thought she did not imitate my vowel sounds. On closer review you can see her imitate /b/\b/ /b/\b/ /b/\b/ – /ae/ and /m/\m/. Peggy is now able …
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3V0245.01 Everyday prohibitions as source of naming 9/24/78 Peggy was crawling about on the living room floor as Gretchen chatted with a house guest. The floor was littered with her toys and the dog’s. “No, Peggy. Don’t chew on that. That’s Scurry’s bone.” RELEVANCE — The kinds of verbal naming formulae witnessed by Ninio appear …
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