3V0501.01 Peggy hugging: indirect instruction and role reversal (6/7/79)

Peggy’s bear is named ‘BEAR HUG’, so it is natural that we hug the bear
when she puts it in our laps (being unwilling to pick up Peggy at the
moment) and return it to her. When I do this, I usually say, “Hug the
bear….Peggy have that.” Peggy began imitating this hugging of her toys
a week or two ago.

Whenever she climbs into my lap, Peggy gets a hug and I repeat, “Hug
Peggy.” She usually struggles to escape my clutches and seize pens
from my tea table. Her usual style of demonstrating affection (when
being held in the arms) is to turn her head sideways and gently lay her
hear on your shoulder. Consequently, I was quite surprised today when
upon picking her up, Peggy put her arms around my neck and gave me
a hug. Miriam tells me that Peggy hugged her while sitting in the car
seat on our trip to Boston.
Importance — documenting Peggy’s expression of feeling. also role