Analysis: Mastery of the Ring Tower Puzzle

The Ring Tower Puzzle was a member of the set of Standard Objects. The analysis is built to proceed in reverse chronological order, with this page serving as an index to the clipNotes to be written for each episode where the infant Peggy played with the Ring Tower and/or its rings individually. The focus is on the Ring Tower first, in two phases. First when the conical shaft is in its designed place and then (earlier) when it had been replaced with a cylindrical rod. Finally note will be taken of episodes where the rings are in play but not engaged with the puzzle challlenge of insertion onto the shaft. This list of clipNotes has been built from the entries in the video index beginning at P157. When used as a template for analysis of other objects in the set of Standard Objects this list will need be verified by again consulting that video index.

This index begins as a text listing. As clipNotes for individual panes of the relevant panels are written, those text entries will be converted into links to the specific clipNote (and thus also, by a link there) to the panel housing the pane. (For an example of this structure, follow the links at P146E below)

Quarter 12
P157A Standard Objects: episodes A, B.
P156C2 Standard Objects: rings present; not a focus
P156C1 Standard Objects: rings present; not a focus
P154F Standard Objects: rings present; not a focus
P153E2 Standard Objects: episode B
P153E1 Standard Objects: rings present; not a focus
P152E Standard Objects: rings present; not a focus
P151D Standard Objects: episode A
P150B5 Standard Objects: episode A
P150B4 Standard Objects: rings present; not a focus
P150B3 Standard Objects: rings present; not a focus
P150B2 Standard Objects: rings present; not a focus
P150B1 Standard Objects: rings present; not a focus
P149C2 Standard Objects: rings present; not a focus
P149C1 Standard Objects: episodes B, C
P148F Standard Objects: episodes A, B, C
P146E, Standard Objects: episodes A,B,C,D,E,F
P145E4 Standard Objects: focus on nesting cups
P145E3 Standard Objects: focus on nesting cups
P145E2 Standard Objects: focus on nesting cups
P145E1 Standard Objects: no ring tower; not a focus

Quarter 11
P143D4 Standard Objects: rings present; not a focus
P143D3 Standard Objects: rings present; not a focus
P143D2 Standard Objects: rings present; not a focus
P143D1 Standard Objects: rings present; not a focus
P142C3 Standard Objects: ring tower, episodes A, B
P142C2 Standard Objects: rings present; not a focus
P142C1 Standard Objects: ring tower, episode A
P141C5 Standard Objects: rings present; not a focus
P141C4 Standard Objects: ring tower, episode A
P141C3 Standard Objects: ring tower, episodes A, B, C, D
P141C2 Standard Objects: ring tower, episodes A, B, C, D
P141C1 Standard Objects: rings present; not a focus
P140C2 Standard Objects: rings present; not a focus
P140C1 Standard Objects: rings present; not a focus
P139C2 Standard Objects: rings present; not a focus
P139C1 Standard Objects: rings present; not a focus
P138A3 Standard Objects: rings present; not a focus
P138A2 Standard Objects: focus on containment
P138A1 Standard Objects: rings present; not a focus
P137C Standard Objects: rings present; not a focus
P136C2 Standard Objects: rings present; not a focus
P136C1 Standard Objects: rings present; not a focus
P135C2 Standard Objects: rings present; not a focus
P135C1 Standard Objects: rings present; not a focus
P134D2 Standard Objects: rings present; not a focus: balance!!
P134D1 Standard Objects: rings present; not a focus
P133F3 Standard Objects: rings present; not a focus
P133F2 Standard Objects: rings present; not a focus
P133F1 Standard Objects: rings present; not a focus
P132G RingTower: ring tower, episode A
P132E FP Persons; Standard Objects: ring tower, episode B
P131E Standard Objects: ring tower, episode A

Quarter 10
P130C Standard Objects: Ring Tower, episodes A, B
P129B3 Standard Objects: Ring Tower, episode A
P129B2 Standard Objects: Ring Tower, episode C
P129B1 Standard Objects: nesting cups
P128D2 Standard Objects: Balls, Tube,Cups and Boxes
P128D1 Standard Objects, ring tower, episodes A, B
P127C2 Standard Objects: rings present; not a focus
P127C1 Standard Objects: ring tower, episode B
P126B2 Standard Objects: rings present; not a focus
P126B1 Standard Objects: ring tower, episode B
P125B2 Standard Objects: rings present; not a focus
P125B1 Standard Objects: ring tower, episode A
P124B4 Standard Objects: rings present; not a focus
P124B3 Standard Objects: rings present; not a focus
P124B2 Standard Objects: rings present; not a focus
P124B1 Standard Objects: ring tower, episode A
P123D3 Standard Objects: rings present; not a focus
P123D2 Standard Objects: rings present; not a focus
P123D1 Standard Objects: ring tower, episode D
P122B2 Standard Objects: rings present; not a focus
P122B1 Standard Objects: ring tower, episode A
P121A2 Standard Objects: rings present; not a focus
P121A1 Standard Objects: rings present; not a focus
P120A5 Standard Objects: rings present; not a focus
P120A4 Standard Objects: rings present; not a focus
P120A3 Standard Objects: rings present; not a focus
P120A2 Standard Objects: rings present; not a focus
P120A1 Standard Objects: ring tower, episode A
P118D2 Standard Objects: ring tower, episode A
P118D1 Standard Objects: rings present; not a focus

Quarter 9
P117B Standard Objects: rings present; not a focus
P115C Standard Objects: some rings; no tower
P114C2 Standard Objects: rings present; not a focus
P114C1 Standard Objects: ring towerA,F,H
P113B3 Standard Objects: rings present; not a focus
P113B2 Standard Objects: rings present; not a focus
P113B1 Standard Objects: rings present; not a focus
P112B2 Standard Objects: rings present; not a focus
P112B1 Standard Objects: ring tower, episode A
P111B2 Objects & Toys: rings present; not a focus
P111B1 Objects & Toys: ring tower,minimal
P110C Standard Objects: rings present; not a focus
P110B Standard Objects: ring tower, episode A
P109G Standard Objects: ring tower, episode D
P108C Standard Objects: ring tower, episode C
P107D2 Ballons & Objects: rings not present
P107D1 Ballons & Objects: rings not present
P105B2 Standard Objects: rings present; not a focus
P105B1 Standard Objects: ring tower, episode A

Quarter 8
P104B Standard Objects: rings not present
P103D Standard Objects: rings not present
P101B Standard Objects: rings present; not a focus
P100D2 Standard Objects: rings present; no tower
P100D1 Standard Objects: rings present; no tower
P99C Standard Objects: rings present; no tower
P98D2 Standard Objects: rings present; no tower
P98D1 Standard Objects: rings present; no tower
P97E2 Standard Objects: rings present; no tower
P97E1 Standard Objects: rings present; no tower
P96B3 Standard Objects: rings present; no tower
P96B2 Standard Objects: rings present; no tower
P95F Standard Objects: rings not present
P94E2 Standard Objects, w/Toys: rings not present
P94E1 Standard Objects, w/Toys: rings not present
P94D Standard Objects, w/Dog: rings not present
P94B Ring Tower, conical shaft: w/GPL, episode B
P93B3 Standard Objects: rings present; no tower
P932B Standard Objects: rings present; no tower
P93B1 Standard Objects: rings present; no tower
P92D2 Standard Objects: rings present; no tower
P92D1 Standard Objects: rings present; no tower

Quarter 7
P91E Standard Objects: rings present; no tower
P90F Standard Objects: rings present; no tower
P89D4 Standard Objects: rings present; no tower
P89D3 Standard Objects: rings present; no tower
P89D2 Standard Objects: rings present; no tower
P89D1 Standard Objects: rings present; no tower
P88E2 Balls&Cups: rings present; no tower
P88E1 Balls&Cups: rings present; no tower
P87C4 Standard Objects: rings present; no tower
P87C3 Standard Objects: rings present; no tower
P87C2 Standard Objects: rings present; no tower
P87C1 Standard Objects: rings present; no tower
P86E3 Standard Objects: rings present; no tower
P86E2 Standard Objects: rings present; no tower
P86E1 Standard Objects: no rings present; no tower
P85B4 Ball & Cylinder: rings present; no tower
P85B3 Ball & Cylinder: rings present; no tower
P84A2 Rings & Insertion: rings with cylindrical shaft
P84A1 Rings with cylindrical shaft: episodes A,B
P83D2 Standard Objects: no rings present; no tower
P83D1 Standard Objects: no rings present; no tower
P82D2 Standard Objects: no rings present; no tower
P82D1 Standard Objects: no rings present; no tower
P82C2 Standard Objects + Book: rings present; no tower
P82C1 Standard Objects + Book: rings present; no tower. on
P81D Bouncing Balls: rings present; no tower.
P80C5 Standard Objects: rings present; no tower
P80C4 Standard Objects: rings present; no tower
P80C3 Standard Objects: no rings present; no tower
P80C2 Standard Objects: no rings present; no tower
P80C1 Standard Objects: no rings present; no tower
P79B2 Standard Objects: rings present; no tower
P79B1 Standard Objects: rings present; no towerr

Quarter 6
P78D Standard Objects
P77C Standard Objects
P76C2 Standard Objects
P76C1 Standard Objects
P74D1 Standard Objects
P74C2 Standard Objects
P74C1 Standard Objects
P72C3 Standard Objects
P72C1 Standard Objects
P71C2 Standard Objects
P71C1 Standard Objects
P69C Standard Objects
P68C2 Standard Objects, w/GPL
P68C1 Standard Objects, w/GPL
P66E2 Standard Objects, w/MRL too
P66E1 Standard Objects

Quarter 5
P65D Bouncing Balls
P64D3 Standard Objects
P64D2 Standard Objects
P64D1 Standard Objects
P63D2 Objects, Extended
P63D1 Objects, Extended
P63C2 Standard Objects
P63C1 Standard Objects
P62B3 Objects + Pens
P62B2 Objects + Pens
P62B1 Objects + Pens
P61C3 Standard Objects
P61C2 Standard Objects
P61C1 Standard Objects
P60 Objects w/Bob
P59C3 Standard Objects
P59C2 Standard Objects
P59C1 Standard Objects
P58F Standard Objects w/Bob
P58E2 Standard Objects w/GPL
P58E1 Standard Objects w/GPL
P57E3 Standard Objects
P57E2 Standard Objects
P57E1 Standard Objects
P56E2 Standard Objects
P56E1 Standard Objects
P56D Standard Objects w/GPL
P55C2 Standard Objects w/GPL
P55C1 Standard Objects w/GPL
P54D Standard Objects
P53C2 Standard Objects

Quarter 4
P52D Objects w/GPL
P52C2 Standard Objects, Books
P52C1 Standard Objects, Books
P51E Standard Objects
P51D Ring-Tower play
P50D2 Standard Objects
P50D1 Standard Objects
P49E2 Standard Objects
P49E1 Standard Objects
P48D2 Standard Objects
P48D1 Standard Objects
P47D7 Standard Objects
P47D6 Standard Objects
P47D5 Standard Objects
P47D4 Standard Objects
P47D3 Standard Objects
P47D2 Standard Objects
P47D1 Standard Objects
P46E2 Standard Objects
P46E1 Standard Objects
P45E2 Standard Objects
P45E1 Standard Objects
P44D Standard Objects
P44C2 Standard Objects
P44C1 Standard Objects
P43E2 Standard Objects
P43E1 Standard Objects
P42E2 Standard Objects
P42E1 Standard Objects
P41D3 Standard Objects
P41D2 Standard Objects
P41D1 Standard Objects
P40E Standard Objects

Quarter 3
P39E Objects on the Floor
P39D Objects in the High Chair
P38B2 Standard Objects, in car seat
P38A3 Standard Objects
P38A2 Standard Objects
P38A1 Ring Tower
P37E3 Objects on the floor
P37E2 Objects on the floor
P37E1 Objects on the floor
P36D3 Sets of Objects
P36D2 Sets of Objects
P36D1 Sets of Objects
P36A Ring Tower
P35B2 Standard Objects on Floor
P35B1 Standard Objects on Floor
*P34D Standard Objects
*P34C Functional Objects
*P32B Standard Objects
P30D3 Blocks on the floor
P30D2 Ring Tower on the floor
P30D1 Objects on the floor
*P28C Objects on the floor

Quarter 2
P26B2 Objects on the floor
P26B1 Objects on the floor
*P24B Objects on the floor
*P22B Objects on the floor
*P20C Objects on the floor
P18C3 Familiar Objects
P18C2 Familiar Objects
P18C1 Familiar Objects
* re-digitizing required

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